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First chapter is up. Yes!

Danica Jacobs

"Come on Dani, it's just one night out, why are you so old?" My friend Josie asks as she picks up the tray of food and walks around the counter to the dining area.

"Hey! I'm not old, I just don't want to go out. You and Tyler are party animals as it is." I spoke as I ripped the last order out of my book and threw it in the trash.

Here we go again, another night of Josie begging me to go bar hopping with Tyler again. The last time I did that I got too drunk and ended up hugging my toilet the next morning. I don't want to go through that again.

"Oh come on cherry bomb, just a few bars?" Tyler walked up next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"No, I am going home and cracking open a bottle of wine and watching CSI all night. Why don't you two just go by yourselves?" I suggested as I stepped away from Tyler causing his arm to slide off my shoulders and back to his side.

"Uh because it's boring with just the two of us and we need to bring someone who isn't going to drink so they can be the DD." He said as if it was so obvious.

I'll just drip you off and leave you there fuckers.

I stopped and turned around before biting the inside of my cheek and making it look like I was thinking then looked back at him and shrugged, "No thanks."

"Danica, table 8 needs a server." My boss Karla spoke. I nodded and walked towards the table, as it came into view I noticed a group of guys sitting in it. It was a booth so it was pretty roomy for the 5 of them. They all had massive amounts of tattoos on their bodies. Probably about 1000 tattoos altogether.

"Hi, I'm Danica, I'll be your server today. Can I get you started on some drinks?" I asked as I took out my book from my apron and opened it to an empty page.

"I'll have a beer, room temperature." The blonde spoke. I wrote his request down and looked to the next person for them to continue.

"A cold beer for me" The one against the wall with jet black hair spoke.

"I'll have the same," The rest spoke in unison. I nodded and turned away from the table as I walked back to behind the counter.

As I grabbed the beers I felt someone land a hard slap to my ass causing me to gasp and place a hand over my mouth in embarrassment right after. I looked over the dining area to see a few people heard including the boys at table 8 who looked at me confused. One caught my eye though. He had curly hair and sleeves of tattoos. I gulped as I turned my head to glare at Josie who had a shocked look on her face.

"Damn Dani, I didn't know you liked it rough." I shook my head in anger as I placed the beers on the tray and picked it up, walking back to the table.

"You ok?" The blonde asks as I approached the table and began to sit their drinks down.

"Who me? Oh yeah, just my friend being rude." I spoke as I sat the tray down on the table behind me before grabbing my book once again.

"Are we ready to order or do we need more time?" I looked to the curly-haired boy to see him already looking at me. Almost like he was trying to read my thoughts. I pushed it to the back of my mind and looked over all of them.

"Yeah, we're ready, I'll have the maple soy burger with the side of chips please." I jolted it down and got the others orders before I retrieved the menus from them then proceeded back to the kitchen.

I hung the order on the rack and put the orders back on the shelf as I looked at the time to see I only had about an hour before I was off work so I decided that I'd finish this table then count my tips and clock out.

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