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Danica Jacobs

"Thea you can't pull your toys back out, Harry will be here in 10 minutes" I rush back over to Thea who was sitting in front her toy box pulling dolls back out after I had spent over an hour cleaning up.

"I play, I play! I play!" She started squirming in my arms as I picked her up from the floor and carried her to the couch. "You can't play right now"

"So how long are we staying at Tyler's brother's cabin for?" Josie walked into the room while carrying a backpack.

"Just for tonight, you can come home tomorrow morning"

"Good, I don't wanna be away from my Xbox for long," I shook my head with a chuckle and handed Thea her sippy cup.

A few seconds later I heard a knock on the door. I told Thea not to move as I sprinted towards the front door. I opened it and was met with Harry. I smiled at him and opened the door wider to invite him in.

"Hi," I closed the door and walked around him and back towards the living room where I left Thea.

I looked behind me to make sure he was following me. "Thea, this is Harry" She looked up at Harry and gave him a distant look. "Harry, meet my daughter." I smiled at him as he looked at her and chuckled. "She's adorable"

"She is, do you want a drink? Water, Coke, Wine"

"Wine is good" I nodded and traveled the short distance to the kitchen, I grabbed two wine glasses then the bottle of wine and poured it into the glasses.

I walked back into the living room and handed him the glass, he held his glass out for me to clank them together. I took a sip then looked back at Thes to see she had out herself to sleep.

That's the first....

I chuckled and set my glass down on the coffee table before walking over to her and picking her up to carry her to her bed.

"Awe, goodnight Thea" Harry waves his finger at her sleeping figure in my arms.

If only he knew the truth

I walked into her room and laid her in her bed and turned off the light then walked back out to the living room to see Harry sitting on the couch.

I made my way towards him and grabbed my drink before sitting next to him and taking another sip if wine.

"Sorry, you didn't really get to meet her" I smiled as I twirled the wine around in my glass a little.

"Oh, it's fine, she's adorable. She looks a lot like you" I nodded and looked into his eyes for a moment to see that were a stunning emerald green.

"I get that a lot" I chuckled as I looked back down to my wine a second later.

He looked around the room for a moment then looked back at me and turned his body towards mine on the couch.

"What's the story behind Thea? Didn't I just see you like 3 years ago?" I let out a large breath as I knew this topic would surface tonight.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "After our night together, I found out I was pregnant. I was in denial and I was gonna give her up for adoption. I didn't want to abort her so I just chose to put her in the system. I continued to live my life pregnant, minus the drinking." I explained. He looked at me really confused before his eyes widened a little and I rose my brow questioningly.

"Does that mean that....that Thea is-s my daughter?" My jaw dropped as I just looked at him.

What the hell did I say to make him ask me that?!

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