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Scalpel in hand, bag in the other, the tall figure covered in a mix of dark blue and blacks,sauntered through the woods. Trees took form of multiple monsters that you would hear about in old legends and myths. The masked creature scanned the night sky, gaping at the tiny balls of Fire that it held. The scent of damp air and wet grass surrounded the being.

A rustle of the bush near by disturbed the silence. The figure snapped his head towards the source of the sound and slowly stalked closer. Laughter erupted from the other direction. The man hesitantly looked away from the bush only to spot a fire in the distance.
'Perfect, a campfire, either a party full of dumb teens or campers, either way it's gonna end in a mess.' He grinned to himself.

As he got closer he saw a teen boy holding a red plastic cup.
'Dumb teens." The creature , metaphorically, rolled his eyes at the stupidity of the armatures. A party in these woods at night? Had they not heard of the stories and the warnings that people had told? Or did they just choose to ignore everyone just to be reckless? Selfish really.

The young boy, with blond hair and green eyes, seemed to be alone. The tall being took this opportunity to grab the boy by his neck and slam him to the ground.

The teen scrunched up his eyes but just before he could let out a scream, a grey skinned hand, with yellowish, sharp fingernails, collided with his mouth. All though this prevented the boy from screaming, he still tried but only weak muffled sounds could be heard. 

With his other monstrous hand, the figure held his scalpel tight and brought the blade to the blond's throat. Green eyes widened and adrenaline kicked in, yet this wasn't enough. The tall man simply slit the boy's throat, watching the blood flow out. Red had always been the mans second favourite colour, after dark blue. The green eyed boy chocked on his own blood before he was welcomed by death. 

The metallic scent  that the blood released made the tall man's mouth water. He began to carve around the boy's stomach to receive many organs. He simply reached for the bag, that he placed on the ground prior the incident, and placed the organs inside.

As he stood up, a shriek that consisted of shock and sadness was released. He slowly turned around only to face a h/c  haired teen. They looked up towards the man, whimpering.

He wore a mask that only held empty eye sockets with goo, or black sticky tar, that poured out.

"What the actual-" The kid had been cut off by eyeless jack running towards them. Luckily for them, they dodged him but unfortunately they stumbled into the wrong person.

The kid looked up to the person they had bumped into. Black, choppy hair reached that down to his shoulders. His eyes, a piercing blue that would have made this teen, ____ ,swoon if in any other situation. But his smile...Unlike any, anyone had ever seen. Wide and scarred. Dried up blood. Absolutely terrifying.

"Hello there, doll." He grinned, eyes widening even more in the process.

"Where have you been?" Eyeless jack interrogated. Jeff gave an annoyed glance to the other man,
"If you must know, I was searching for my own kill." The pale man tilted his head, smiling wider at the blue masked figure. 
"We are meant to stick together!" Jack grumbled.
"Since when do I do what people expect me to do?" A giggle escaped Jeff's lips as he stared straight into EJs sockets.

____ took this chance to escape and hopefully get help. They wriggled out of the taller males arms and bolted for it.

The two killers glanced at each other and chased after them.

"Come back here you little shit!" EJ growled.

Sweat dropped down poor ____  face as they ran. They felt a presence behind them and shortly after, they were tackled to the ground. 

"Ha ha ha gotcha now, bitch!"
"Nice one, Jeff"

____ grunted, as they scrunched their eyes tight.  


"What  are you thinking, Jeff? At least let me have their organs? I could use them for experimental purposes and I can eat them afterwards." Another whimper escaped ____'s  lips as they let that information sink in.

"Hate to break it to you 'jacky-boy' but I don't think I want to kill this one straight away."
Although Jeff couldn't see it, EJ raised a brow.

"And how come?"

"Well... I've been needing a new pet recently.... I'm bored! This stupid kid could be my new play thing." Maniacal laughter filled the terrified teens ears. Now what will they do?

If this is love I don't wanna loved Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu