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(E/c) eyes flickered open, confusion and panic kicked in. What had happened? Where were they? What was on their face? ____ placed their finger against it , a stinging sensation took over as soon as the exhausted teen grazed the scar...

____let out a pained noise with a dry tone. Thirsty. They were so thirsty. With little motivation yet a ton of effort , they managed to sit up right. Closing their eyes,____ places the back of their head against the wall. Why them? Why were they picked? Was it because they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

____'s thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the large metal door swung open!
"Rise and shine~"

Their eyes instantly snapped open, fear and dread washing over them as the scarred man approached them.

"How did you sleep? I hope the floor was comfortable enough." Jeff questioned in a mocking tone. "Ah and I see you have made a friend!" The greasy haired man motioned to the eight legged creature beside the (h/c) teen.

A broken shriek left poor ____'s mouth as they backed away, forgetting about the gashes on their arms. Laughter erupted from the devil-like, deranged being, in front of them.
"It's good to know you don't like spiders!"
Ever since ____ was a child, insects and arachnids had scared them, apart from moths and butterfly's, but other insects and creepy 'crawlies' made them feel ill.

From a mixture of hunger, anxiety and the look of the nine eyed creature next to them, ____ felt bile ride up their oesophagus. As much as the nervous teen wanted to swallow the sick , to avoid the crazed man's anger, they just couldn't!

Since they hadn't eaten much the day before, nothing but stomach acid was produced. A stern look came over ____'s captor, as his left eye twitched -in the slightest way considering Jeff didn't have eyelids,or only scrappy bits of them any way-
"Did you...Did you just throw up on my shoes?!" Tears pricked down the corners of the young teens eyes,

"I didn't mean to! I swear!" They choked out, " please I am so sorry! They choked out,
"Please, I am so sorry." Scampering to their knees, ____ begged for forgiveness.

"You're pathetic!" The raven haired male spat, in utter disgust. "Clean. It. Up!"
____ stared in bewilderment.


"Did I stutter? I said clean it up!" The
-almost- lidless sociopath bellowed. With no hesitation, ____ reaches down and wiped the black and red converse.

The air was humid and the familiar scent of metal returned to the young teens senses, their ears rang and their vision was blurred. What?

It had took them a moment to realize but as soon as their vision had come back, they knew exactly what happened...

The crazed killer's converse-shoe was right underneath their nose. Tears stung the flashes in the (h/c) teens face as a small whimper escaped their lips.

A bony, pale hand reached for their hair as the young teen felt their scalp being pulled.

"I am your superior! Show me respect! You filthy thing!"

"Please! I didn't- I didn't mean to! I- I was just scared a- and-"

The scarred man rolled his eyes as he soaked the terrified being's head against the wall.

"Shut it." He deadpanned..

Tears streamed down the poor kids rosy cheeks as the sociopath ,before him, finally exited the cold room, wit an irritated sigh. ____ curled up into a tight ball and cried. Cried because of the pain. Cried because of the fear. Cried because at that very moment they knew... they knew that they were damned.

A/n: I hope this was okay :)! Also I'm writing chapter 4 in two parts (that could change, it could turn into one!) Okay have a good night, day, evening! <3

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