{8}: The Beguiling of The Disadvantaged

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Michael lived in a world where he wanted for nothing.

His outgoing and friendly disposition allowed him to gain the favor of people almost instantly. His cunning nature and intelligence paved the way to let him manipulate a situation however he wanted. Nothing he wanted was ever out of his reach.

That is, when it came to material things.

But Michael had somehow convinced himself he didn't care for love, family, or anything he couldn't manipulate someone to give him. He scoffed watching his friends care so deeply for their children. Seeing couples act happy nearly made his stomach churn.

The wizard wanted for nothing. The world was within his reach.

Michael stood on the balcony outside his bedroom. The city lights sparkled against the pitch black night sky. His feet were firmly planted on the ground. His nearly frozen hands were tucked into his pockets.

The temperature was much too low to be standing outside without a coat. And yet, Michael continued standing there on his balcony. And though he had told himself that it was just to clear his mind and let himself think, it was obvious even to him that he was trying to prove his strength against anything. Even the bitter, dangerous cold.

As he gazed out over the city like a comic supervillain, Michael began to fantasize about the city being under the control of his Forever Potion. That dream of the city grew into a dream of the state, then the country. He began to idealize the world being under his control, but that was quickly shut down. He didn't want to let himself get enthusiastic.

The grey haired man shook his head. He would be allowed to get enthusiastic if Derek didn't stand in his way.

That damned Ultima, Michael frequently thought. His disdain for Derek grew by the day. The only obstacle in his way was the cursed businessman.

Elizabeth was on Michael's side no matter what. That was solidified when she enthusiastically gave up her daughter to experimentation.

Zack, though argumentative, would do anything Michael told him to. And, even if he resisted, Michael could use any form of magic he wanted to force the doctor to make decisions, regardless of how unethical.

If it had just been Garte alone, Michael would have already convinced him to subject maybe all three of his boys to experimentation. Of course, however, Derek had to stand in his way.

The worst part was that no form of magic could be used on Derek to control his mind.

That terminal diagnosis for Garroth couldn't have come at a better time for Michael. It was so incredibly easy to swing the view of a nearly bereaved parent. He knew that Derek had to give in to Garte eventually.

The cold became too much for the still human Michael. He turned around, pivoting on his heel and walked back inside. The heat immediately surrounded him and brought the blood flow back to his hands.

The room was illuminated with technology. Blue light shone against Michael's face while the text that shone documented experiments of the past few months. The brightest and largest screen read the best results.

Successful, it read. Operation Epsilon to ensue.

Every time he read those words, Michael was elated with pride. Not for the doctors helping him, but for himself.

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