Chapter Four

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"I'll be back afterward to pick you up," Auntie stated. When we arrived in front of the community center, Auntie came around to my side of the car and took the containers so I could get out with ease. Then I took one back as Auntie locked the car, and together, we walked inside the building. These were the first words spoken since we left home.

I nodded as we ambled through the community center. Sam was standing outside our room, greeting everyone that entered.

"Hey, Sam," Auntie greeted.

Sam smiled and replied, "Hi, Miss Spencer. Hi, Serena."

I offered him a smile, but when Auntie nudged me to be polite, I said, "Hi, Sam."

"Will you be sharing today?"


Auntie sighed and watched me take both cookie containers into the room. As I placed them on the table and removed the lids, I could still hear their conversation.

"Is she okay?" Sam asked.

Annoyed, Auntie hummed. "She's a baby dealing with adult problems, and there are adults in her life that don't acknowledge that. Not to mention, she puts way too much on her own shoulders."

"She's too mature, has too big a heart for her own good."

"You have no idea," Auntie muttered. "I'll see you in a bit, Sam."

"I'll take care of her."

"I know, you always have."

Despite my depleted mood, a small grin played on my lips. Hearing them care so much about my well-being, was heart-warming. I released a small breath and unknowingly entered a trance. The minimal chatter in the room faded into the background as the variety of cookies became my focal point. I didn't know how long I was staring at the cookies. But suddenly someone tapped my shoulder, and I jumped in surprise. It was rare that anyone could sneak up on me without my mutation sensing them. I must've been really deep in that trance.

Damn cookies.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Sam chuckled.

I blinked and cleared my throat. "No, it's okay. I'm fine."

"Okay," he replied, but I could tell by the tone of the voice that he didn't completely believe me. But he didn't push and encouraged, "Why don't we take a seat?"

I distractedly nodded. "Yeah, okay."

He guided me towards the grouped chairs and I sat down, bringing my legs up to sit like a pretzel. More people filed through the doors, but I barely paid them any mind. I just wanted the meeting to start so it could end and I could go home and sleep.

Sam walked into the room and stood behind the podium. Usually, we would sit in a circle, but today was a combined meeting and Sam volunteered to be the speaker and run it. There were only a few empty seats left, but it was time to start the meeting. Any latecomers knew to come in quietly and find a seat.

"Hi, everyone," Sam greeted. "Thank y'all for coming. I know it took a lot of courage. If you didn't have a chance, grab some refreshments. The cookies are provided by 'Feels Like Home Cafe', and the coffee was made here in-house. I recommend cookies over coffee."

Chuckles echoed around the room, and Sam sent me a small smile. The corner of my lip twitched upward, but it vanished as quickly as it came as Sam continued, "Now, let's get this goin'. I'm Sam."

"Hi, Sam," we chorused to show our unconditional support.

"Some days are better than others. The other day I woke up and I was so happy. The sun was shining, and I couldn't wait to go for my daily run. I was so pumped that I went to call my buddy, Riley. My man could never get his ass up no matter how many mornings we ran together."

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