Chapter Six

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(Third Person POV)

Alexander Pierce, Secretary of SHIELD. He had been advocating for the search to find Director Fury's murderer. He went as far as labeling Steve Rogers, Captain America, a fugitive of the SHIELD when he didn't get the answers he wanted. Everything was on the up-and-up when he mobilized the STRIKE team to bring Steve in as well as his associate Natasha Romanoff. But everything was not what it seemed.

Pierce walked into his kitchen for a drink when he spotted the Winter Soldier sitting at the dining room table, a gun next to him. He was exhausted from his encounter with his previous target, and his handlers made sure to punish him for failing to complete his mission. Pain radiated throughout his body, but as usual, he remained stoic, refusing to show any weakness.

He wasn't allowed to.

The soldier's steely gaze remained trained on Pierce, following orders.

"I'm going to go, Mr. Pierce," Renata, Pierce's housekeeper, called from the next room. "You need anything before I leave?"

Pierce nervously eyed the asset and silently cleared his throat. "No. Uh... it's fine, Renata, you can go home."

"Okay, night-night," she replied obliviously.

"Good night."

When the door clicked shut, Pierce kept his voice level as he spoke. "Want some milk?"

The Winter Soldier didn't respond, his eyes never leaving Pierce as the man poured milk into a glass. "Hoping to redeem yourself after failing to extract the girl?"

Again, the Winter Soldier didn't respond, didn't even flinch. Pierce didn't care and continued, "The timetable has moved. Our window is limited. Two targets, level six."

He brought his glass to the table and sat down. "They already cost me Zola. I want confirmed death in ten hours. And I want that girl. Don't fail again."

Pierce knew of Serena Stark. He knew she was a mutant but never got the privilege of seeing her powers in action. Not until the Winter Soldier gave his mission report before they punished him for failing. Hearing about her strength and determination made him want her that much more. She would make a great asset, especially if she could keep the Winter Soldier at bay. From what he described, she could do so much more than she let on.

Heeled shoes clicked towards the kitchen, breaking Pierce from his thoughts. "Sorry, Mr. Pierce, I..." Renata trailed off as she entered the kitchen, noticing the Winter Soldier. "I forgot my phone."

Pierce tsked. "Oh, Renata. I wish you would have knocked," he stated. And in one swift motion, he picked up the Glock and shot her where she stood, killing her instantly. 

No witnesses. The two men emotionlessly stared down at the limp body as crimson blood pooled on the polished floor.


Sam didn't ask any questions, he just ushered us inside and grabbed the bag from Auntie. As they talked about what happened, I somehow managed to command my shaky legs to bring me to the couch. I was so confused and scared. That man wanted me. He came into Auntie's home, threatened her life, all because of me. Now, I was putting Sam in danger. I felt so hopeless and helpless. It drained me, and I just want to curl up in a ball and disappear. Unfortunately, I was only capable of the former.

I laid on the couch, my back facing Auntie and Sam, and I curled into a ball as silent tears ran down my face. "What did he want?" Sam asked quietly.

"Her," Auntie deadpanned. "I didn't recognize him."

"How'd you escape?"

I sighed and rolled over to face them, letting a few wisps flow through the room. Sam looked around in awe before his eyes landed on me, and I stated, "I'm a mutant. I used my powers to immobilize him."

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