Chapter One

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"Good morning, Auntie!" I chimed, happily bouncing down the stairs. The delicious smells associated with living above a bakery wafted into my nose and made me feel warm inside. Jillian Spencer, or Auntie as I affectionately called her, was standing behind the display counter, organizing a variety of pastries onto a presentation tray. She was humming to herself as she always did, yet she denied it every time I mentioned it. It always made me laugh. I already had amazing memories living with her, and I couldn't wait for more to come.

"Good morning, babycakes," she replied. "Come over here and help me get these danishes in the display."

I smiled and went behind the counter. "Sleep well?" She asked as I used the tongs to gently and neatly place the danishes on the tray.

"I was sleeping fine until I woke up at 2 AM for whatever reason, and sleep eluded me until my alarm went off. What about you?"

"Oh, I slept fine. I didn't hear you get up, though."

"I stayed in bed, read my book, didn't wanna bother you."

"What book are you reading now?"

"Two By Two," I replied, "It's another Nicholas Sparks book, so while there is a romantic aspect, I feel that the father-daughter relationship is more important. Despite going through a nasty divorce and custody battle, this dad always makes sure his daughter feels safe and loved."

Auntie smiled at me and squeezed my shoulder, knowing I was alluding to what was going on in my own life. I hadn't heard from my father in quite some time. Pepper kept in touch, and she informed me what he was up to. Their relationship seemed to be strengthening, but he still kept busy in his workshop.

Forcing myself out of my thoughts, I offered Auntie a small smile before clearing my throat and saying, "I'm interning at the museum today after my classes."

Auntie gasped with wide eyes. "Thank you for reminding me. Will you be okay to drive there and back?"

"Yeah, but I also have support group. Would you mind driving me to that?" I asked, knowing how drained I'd be afterward.

"No problem, baby. I can also help you bring in the cookies you promised on my behalf," she replied, giving me a pointed look. I giggled and gave her an innocent shrug.

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Sit down while I get you something to eat before you log on."

I nodded and sat down at the counter. Auntie still had another half-hour before she could open her doors for business, and she was nearly done with her daily set-up routine. The entire bistro was filled with the sweet aroma from the freshly baked bread, cookies, and pastries, creating a nice homey feel. Cookies, mini-cakes, and pastries lined the display shelves, inviting anyone to stare at them with desire. The coffee pots behind the counter were on, but Auntie hadn't started the coffee yet. She liked to wait until the last possible second so it would be fresh for all her valued regulars. People carved time out of their morning routines to stop in and get one of Auntie's famous treats and delicious coffee, and Auntie enjoyed every second of it.

"Saved this one just for you, it had the most cinnamon out of all of them," Auntie chimed as she came out of the kitchen with a cinnamon bun and a glass of milk. Cinnamon buns were my absolute favorite, especially with a nice cold glass of milk. I didn't have the taste for coffee, it was too bitter for my liking.

I smiled and subconsciously licked my lips in anticipation. "Thank you, Auntie. It's a wonder I haven't gained weight while living with you."

She scoffed and placed the plate and glass in front of me as well as a napkin. "Honey, it's no wonder with that metabolism of yours. You can thank your mutation for that one. Meanwhile, I probably gained five pounds just from taking that bun from the pan."

"No way, you look great," I assured sweetly.

"Oh, I know," she deadpanned, making both of us laugh. "Now eat up. You got class soon."

I nodded and quickly dug in. The homemade cream cheese icing quickly coated my fingers and lips, making both incredibly sticky. But I didn't care. I hummed at the sweet taste of the cinnamon and sugar from the icing. I loved all of Auntie's kitchen creations, but her cinnamon buns were the best start to any day, the best pick-me-up, or symbol of celebration. In between decadent bites, I sipped at my milk, getting the glass sticky with residue.

After I finished my breakfast, I walked into the kitchen to wash my dishes while Auntie continued to get the shop ready. I cleaned my hands of the sticky feel before doing the same to the plate and glass. Then I dried them and placed them back in their rightful places.

As I dried my hands with the clean towel, I heard the bell above the door chime, alerting me that someone walked into the shop. Then I felt a familiar energy signature prod against my barrier, and a smile slipped across my lips. Placing the towel down, I jogged out into the main room, and my smile only widened upon seeing Steve. A small smile played on his lips when he saw me.

I went over and gave him a friendly hug.

Steve had taken my advice about visiting DC for the Smithsonian, but after I moved in with Auntie, I learned that Steve decided to try and settle down here. Although, he was still working with SHIELD, which explained why Natasha was outside in a sports car.

"You have a mission," I stated as we separated.

He nodded. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well. Loving college, love interning at the museum," I replied, "But that's not why you're really here. You were told that you could use my help."

Steve looked down at his shoes and rubbed the back of his neck. "Is it that obvious?"

I hummed in reply. "I'm not coming with you. You've managed just fine without me before. And as I've already said, I'm done with SHIELD, and I really don't want anything to do with the Avengers. I'm happy with how my life is going, and I don't want to mess that up."

"I understand. I'm glad you're doing well."

"Then why do you keep coming by to ask her to join you on one of your dangerous missions," Auntie interjected from behind the counter. I pursed my lips and bowed my head. She was right, and I knew that. Steve would often stop by to check in before asking if I wanted to tag along with him and Nat.

I sighed and looked up at Steve. "You gotta stop asking, Steve. I'm not getting involved, especially not with SHIELD."

"Got it. Sorry."

"Mm-hmm," Auntie hummed knowingly. I sighed and waved at Steve as he left the shop. He offered me one last fleeting grin before letting the door close behind him. I watched the sports car roar down the road before it eventually disappeared.

"When will they learn?" Auntie asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

Shaking my head, I walked towards the counter. "Maybe when threats stop popping up. Steve's longing for some familiarity after waking up, and fighting, protecting people is really all he knows in this life."

"But that's not all you know. You deserve a chance at a normal life," Auntie argued, "And you won't get that if they keep showing up to try and drag you back in. They need to understand that."

I shrugged and retorted, "One can argue that normal is subjective. Your normal is different from mine. But based on your definition of normal, how would I fit in? Not only am I a Stark, but I'm a mutant. We both are. My father's choice to invite SHIELD and the government into our lives seems to follow me no matter where I am."

"That doesn't mean you have to give up all you've worked to achieve," she stated, "I haven't."

A small, reassuring smile played on my lips. "I know. It's gonna take a lot more than some clean-up mission for me to get involved."

"Let's hope it never comes to that," Auntie remarked. "Now, get to class."

"Yes, Auntie."


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