Goodbye Rue....and Hello New Home.....

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Eloise's P.O.V

A familiar face with short brown hair, big green eyes, and a frown on her face attacked me into a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder,

"I tried....I'm sorry."

What was Rue talking about? What is she sorry for? Maybe she took some of my drawings again....

"What are you talking about?" My soft voice escaped my lips as we stood outside a giant intertwining house. It was pouring hard outside, and we were in the middle of it.

Rue sniffed again, "If only you could understand Eloise. Your just like Ash, such a little kid." She gave off a small laugh before taking off her bright purple scarf and putting it around my thin neck.

"Something to remember me." Rue spoke, then left by the sound of her dad and made her way to the car. The second the door closed they drove away.

What am I supposed to do now? Just stand here and freeze to death?! I don't really like that idea....

This is the story of how I froze to death.

Sorry, I should tell you what I look like, I'm a short girl with jet black hair with red and purple streaks near the end. My eyes are bright blue with little speck's of gold hidden around. My regular style would be a pair of Cargo pants,a white undershirt and a oversized black sweatshirt. At least that's what Rue wanted me to look like...

Of course, I had no idea what to feel. Rue was three when she made me, so she forgot to give me a heart. I'm emotionless, an outcast actually. But I've been picking up some feelings every now and then.

Get out of the rain.

Listening to my annoying conscious I walked onto the creaky porch, with shaky hands I knocked the door.

The silhouette of a...bunny.....appeared through the window. It was opened to what looked like a Bunny Butler....

"Master Mac do you have any idea wha-Oh...please pardon me I thought you were someone else." He straightened his eyeglass. "Yes how may I help you?"

My mouth couldn't move. It was like an invisible thread was tying them together. The bunny finally lost patience and snapped,"Well?!" That finally snapped me back to reality.

"Rue left me here. I don't know what I'm supposed to do." My soft voice took over along with my shyness.

"You must be coming to stay. Very well very well, "He hopped over to the side. "Come in." I obeyed and walked into the house, my combat boots squished from the mud.

"My name is Mr.Herriman,I keep everything straight and enforce every rule here." The bunny explains. Everything was so quiet,honestly I like it...

"Tomorrow I will have Ms.Francis show you around, but right now everyone is right on schedule and asleep.There is an extra bed in here, in you go. And try not to wake up the others. Good evening." Mr.Herriman opened a door to my right, yawned, then hopped away.

There I stood standing at the doorway, listening to what was inside. A chorus of snores were echoing from inside. Trying my best I snuck around and found a few blankets lying on the floor. After a few minutes a suitable hammock was hanging in the room, I climbed in, a gentle sway came as I rocked my legs back and forth like a child on a swingset.

Will Rue come back?

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