Chapter 24: "Moving on."

Começar do início

"Oh my god you guys look who it is." Hana said with a snicker, and I looked up to see an unfamiliar brunette girl walk into the cafeteria. I had never seen her before. Though from one look, I could tell she was very much out of place.

"Ew as if she would come back here." Becky laughed through her palm, and I frowned, not knowing what was going on.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sipped on my juice, feeling a little energy boost from the sugar.

"Well... it's a long story." Becky eyed the girls with a barely contained grin. "Just don't talk to her, she's a fucking weirdo, and you don't want to be mixed up with a girl like her." She emphasised her for some reason, causing me to frown again. I looked back over at the girl, and felt a little empathetic with the lost look on her face. She ended up sitting at an empty table, and pulling out a rucksack with container her lunch.

From a closer angle, I could barely see her facial features, given her hair restricted much to be seen.

"What a loser, eating all by herself." Hana said with a chuckle, I had witnessed a little bit of the girls teasing, and I didn't like it one bit. It was against everything I stood for, but I never once went against the grain. It was easier to just stay silent.

I ignored the remarks and blatant teasing, they spoke loudly enough probably for her to hear. I felt a little sick after a while, and excused myself to the bathroom.

I ended up throwing up the scarce contents of my stomach, into the toilet, with painful lurches. That would kill me later on in practice. After hurling for a good few minutes, I leaned against the stall door, and just calmed my breathing. That's when I heard the door crashing open, and I immediately froze up. The stalls had been empty when I had came in, and for that I had been thankful. Once I heard the barely contained sob coming from one of the stalls, I was immediately on alert.

I wiped my mouth, and exited the stall, this seemed to halt the persons cry as it suddenly ceased. Once I washed my hands, and rinsed out my mouth, I hesitantly walked over to the closed stall door, which I could hear the sniffling coming from.

"Hello?" I called out, and the person went silent again. "Are you okay?" I said softly, my voice was a little raspy from throwing up, so I cleared my throat a bit. Which didn't help the hoarseness of it too much.

"M'fine." I heard a weak response, and I felt inclined to help.

"Wanna talk?" I asked, and sat down outside the stall, holding my knees up to my chest.

"No." The voice sounded defensive, but I wasn't discouraged. Not caring has its advantages.

"I guess I'll do all the talking for us then..." I tried to think of something to say, as the silent bathrooms only sounds was the quiet sniffle on the other side of this door. "I hate this school." I said with a bored tone, and I heard the faintest breath of of a laugh come from the stall. This encouraged me to speak up more. "I'm kinda new here." I added, feeling a little odd at the fact that I was basically talking to myself. "I- Uh, I'm on the track team... I used to be the captain of my old one... not anymore." I said the last part a little bitterly, and bit my lower lip. "I don't think I want to be the captain here though." I breathed out my thoughts, and didn't expect to hear the small voice reply.

"Why?" My eyes widened, I hadn't expected a reply.

"Uhhh... too much expectations... I don't know..." I mumbled unsure, the team here had offered me the captain role after the first few practices, but I had rejected it. They told me to think about it, and I still haven't accepted it.

Rare - CazzieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora