Chapter 6

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Samantha's POV


  We all stared at the machine in the sagging hands of the overly dressed women. "Oh! It doesn't hurt! Just scans your eyes. Come on now." She waved her free hand at us anxiously. "We don't have all day!" Her voice was loosing the.. the.. excitedness? Her smile started to falter as none of us moved, if anything we started to lean back. Not wanting to waste a moment, her hand shot out and grabbed Missy. Freezing by the touch, Missy just stood there not breathing, just standing. The women brought the machine to her eyes and after a few seconds a beep rang out. Releasing her grasp from Missy her hand shot out towards me next. 

    Nope. I thought as I imagined her hand stopping in front of my face. When her hand neared it stopped even though her fingers where clawing for me. I rolled my head back and let out a triumphed laugh before shaking my head, "I'd rather have a room key. I don't want people scanning my eyes." I said widening my eyes. I have standards, and keeping my eyes scan free is one of them. Frowning, she placed the machine onto the desk and leaned in, all welcoming smiles gone. "It wasn't a choice." She said simply before smiling and picking it up again. "It's harmless," She started in a very sweet tone, "it will only take a second. It feels like you're taking a picture, if it helps you could feel free to pose like it is one."

   Narrowing my eyes slightly at her words, I decided to see what was inside that weird little head of hers. Come on, come on. I don't have all day, please stop using your abilities and we can all move on sooner. The quicker you are, the more time you'll have for supper. Now please.  The thought swirled into my head as I started to lean forward. If you're wondering, no I did not let myself move. She was moving me. It took me a second to realize she was pulling on the chain of my necklace.

   In a second the machine was pressed against my face, my eyes weren't able to close as a bright light flashed before me. The next moment, it was gone and I was left blinking rapidly, annoying little dots sprinkled across my vision. Next to me, James leaned in willingly with a smirk resting on his face as the lady quickly scanned him. She motioned for the door next to the glassed in garden while saying, "Your room is on the third floor down. Remember it's 328." We all nodded with various levels of enthusiasm.

  Opening the door we were greeting with a long hallway, it was decorated with cream walls little pink flowers, brown birdies and green leafs were painted onto the wall. Wow. Missy looked at the first door that came into view and frowned, "Number 1." We all looked at the curly 1 painted on the cream colored door. Sighing, James looked down the hall. "Three floors down?" He asked, the words rolling off his tongue like rocks. Gross yucky rocks.

                                   *                   *                 *


  "319" Missy sang in a mocking dull voice.

  "320" James groaned out as we passed the next door.

 "321" I said, mentally slapping myself when I giggled at the 321. But other than that, we realized there were 3 floors, each one containing at least one hundred rooms. Took us awhile but we finally got it. We're slow, I get it. Once we reached 328, James shoved Missy ahead who bumped her head against the curly 328 that was painted onto the door. A clicking sound was made and the door swung in, revealing something along the lines of a hotel room.


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