Chapter 4

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Missy's POV

  My heart shoved itself into my brain as the thumping sound became louder and wilder. "A-Amy?" I stuttered, my eyes darting around the area. She wasn't in sight and people were just rushing around grabbing their things and ushering their family members around. There was no Amy in sight and I think I felt my heart falter for a moment. Did someone just snatch her away? Why didn't she scream and didn't anyone else notice a girl being dragged away in fear?

  My knees buckled as I stared down at the smashed screen and the cracked light pink case that was to protect her phone. I picked up the object, my fingers brushing off the loose parts of the screen which fell to the floor around my feet. Pressing the home button I was slightly taken aback when it worked, and to my surprise a text message appeared on the screen from an unknown number.

 Carefully, I tapped the screen and opened the message. The area code wasn't one I knew, and that's when I eyes fell on the message. 'Tick. Tock. My pretty girl, you know what we want from you. Bring yourself to us, or your little friend won't even be able to count to ten on her fingers again.'  My breath caught in my throat and I glanced around frantically. "Amy?" I called out loudly, in reply a scream reached my ears. No one around me seemed fazed, not one person. Swinging my bag over my shoulder I took off my heels (which I stupidly wore) and took off in the direction of her wails.

   James's POV

      I pulled back on my jacket and glared at the security men before grabbing my belongings and heading out. I got through my own airport just fine but noooo, they had to stop me here because I looked like I was in in a metal suit. That's why you don't stick me in an airplane. Stalking past everyone I didn't realize where I stepped and stomped-hard- onto a cell phone. Muttering under my breath I headed out to the exit and sat down onto a bench. Didn't I just feel amazing?

    Leaning back, I closed my eyes and tried to zone out. I felt like my skin was being pulled inwards, like to my core and I just felt tired. I tilted my head back and rested my arms across the back of the bench. Once I was dozing off I felt the presence of someone next to me, I was ignoring them until they asked, 'Tired. Huh?" I peeped open an eye and saw a girl about my age sitting next to me slumped over. "Real a-" "Attractive. Yeah, I know." She said cutting me off, actually getting my full attention.

    "Can I help you?" I asked coldly, waiting for her to say something like 'yeah, scoot over.' The girl pursed her lips and tilted her head to the side, "Yeah, scoot over." She said nicely even though her eyes were like daggers. I narrowed my eyes back at her as she rolled her eyes and tied her brown hair into a pony-tail. 'Listen bub." She said and reached for her bag taking something out, "Scoot over, or I'll slap you with my rubber pizza."  Raising an eyebrow I watched as she showed me, yes-

  a rubber pizza.

  Samantha's POV

  I waved the pizza around in his face, "I will use it, now scoot- before I make you move." I pointed the pizza tip at him and he smirked, obviously amused. "Yeah well." He paused for dramatic effect as he stretched and got comfy, "You're gonna have to make me." He sent me a smirk before closing his eyes again. Frowning, I dipped into his thoughts, most were about boy things, but one stood out. "You're meeting someone you don't know?" I just blabbered out. Yup, that's me. Blabber mouth Samantha.

    I looked at him more closely, "You're not normal.. Are you?" I said more quietly, scooting closer to him. His eyes shot open and he scooted away, "What? Are you like, five? I'm normal. I'm a guy with raging hormones.. You can't get anymore normal than that." He said, trying to keep the defensive note out of his voice. I scooted closer, not really caring about the whole never talk to strangers or get really close to them so you can smell them and omg they smell so good rule. "I'm not normal either." I breathed out, and he scooted away. "I can tell, you're like laying all over me." He scooted again only to fall to the ground.

   His backpack spilled contents all over the sidewalk and he cursed as he started to pick them up. "James.." I started slowly and his head snapped up, "I'm not joking with you just- listen to me. Forget about the bag!" I snapped at the last part, glaring at the contents they all seemed to roll back into the bag that was laying on the ground. James stopped and looked up at me, "What.." I shook my head not caring if this was the weirdest, perverted or most insane person in the world. I wasn't alone, I just had that feeling that- "What can you do? I'm like telepathic- and I didn't like your thoughts. I mean- gah! maybe I could search for it." I stared at his wide eyes. "Um.." He said slowly and shook his head, "Okay. Weirdo, I'll tell you what I can do.. I thought you also said you were telepathic.. You picked up, well rolled everything.. What are.." James stopped and shook his head laughing. Rolling his eyes, he told me what he could do and I told him what I was able to do too.

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