The Unique Ones

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New York City.

      She strode down the street, each step with purpose. Her blond hair was pushed back into a high pony tail and her skirt was too short for her mother's liking. As she stalked down the streets of NY she glanced in every jewelry store, wanting to find the perfect bracelet for her best friend's birthday. She stopped and stared through the foggy window of Zales, of course she couldn't afford anything from there but why not dream? 

    Straightening her top she backed away from the window only to bump into a stiff figure. Glancing behind her a man in a black suit was staring down at her. Fear swarmed in her stomach as he clamped a meaty hand down on her shoulder. "Missy, you are to come with me." He droned out, dragging her down the street and towards and alley. She glanced around, hoping to spot something. Her eyes fell on the muddy ground water, using her free hand she raised it towards the water watching as it bubbled and hissed. Glaring back at the suited man the water followed her gaze and into his eyes. 

 His grip loosened and she twisted away, running down the street towards home. She'd have to go shopping another day.


         The wheels of his skate board left a trail of floating dust as he whizzed down the sidewalk. He pushed his foot against the ground using it to speed up. To him running would be faster, way faster. He leaned to his left, turning into the parking lot of Walmart. Stopping then stomping on the end of his board it popped itself in the air and he grabbed it. As he entered he spotted a few suited men watching him with interest. Shaking the feeling of being stared at he headed towards the bike section to buy more wheels. 


     Nearing the back of the store he noticed less and less people while more and more men in suits were around everyone corner. He frowned while walking through the isles of bikes when someone grabbed his wrist. Without thinking, all the bikes fell to the ground with a loud clattering sound. The metal on the bike twisted and flew to the skateboarder- slowly stretching out to cover him in a sort of metal armor. "James, you are to come with me." The man said, his grip deadly. James felt his eyes turn to the color of cold metal as the armor strengthened itself on him. As if on command, the now metal boy had a thick packing of twisted metal on his right fist, hardening. In a swift motion the boy, James, decked the suited man in the jaw and took off on his skate board using his unnatural abilities to gain speed as he sped out of Walmart.

   He'd find wheels somewhere else. 

      South Dakota.

     Her fingers fumbled the with lock on her front door, frustrated that it wouldn't work she threw her key on the ground and focused on the lock until she heard a satisfied click. She opened the door happily and stepped inside only to see two buff suited men sitting where her parents should have been. "Samantha, you are to come with me." One man said as her hands clenched into fists. They were back for her, again.

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