Chapter 3

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       Missy stumbled down the hall towards baggage claim, her legs felt like Jell-O and her butt felt the slightly numb. Her flight had been a total of about 9 hours, besides the two stops they made. She strode towards the section where her bag should've come off.  Waiting and watching for her pink and purple bag to come tumbling out of the opening she felt a hand on her back. Yelping she turned and stared into Amy's smiling face. "Hi Missy!" Amy exclaimed, she looked cheery and well rested.

  Turning slightly back to the belt that lugged around the bags she spotted hers. "Um, yeah hi. Hold on." Missy said pushing her friend back slightly and reached for her stuffed bag. Realization dawned on her and she spun back around, bag forgotten. "What are you doing here?" Missy asked, jaw dropped open at her friend who was absent mindedly twirling a red lock of hair. "I wanted to come, and I'm sorry about earlier. I just thought if I came I'd.." Amy stopped and her eyebrows furrowed together, "Everyone was hating on me after you left."

  Missy nodded and stroked her chin, "Maybe they thought I was dissing you for some reason?" Amy looked at her friend, "What? Why?" Sighing Missy moved out of the way of frantic people, "Because Stephie came up to me when I was leaving and asked if I finally gave up being friends with you, that's all." Missy downcast her eyes before turning back to the belt waiting for her bag to come into sight. Once it did she slung it over one shoulder and turned to meet her friend. 

  Except Amy was nowhere in sight, but her cell-phone lay on the ground smashed.


 James walked through the metal detector for the fourth time, once again setting off the alarms. Groaning he turned back to the man who was frowning at him. Jeez, why did no one smile at him? Being pulled off to the side he was searched completely and then told to walk through the detector again. Alarms sounded. Biting his upper lip in annoyance he looked at the man, "Want to do an x-ray?" He snapped crossing his arms.

  For a moment it looked as if the man was thinking about it, but stepped forwards and searched him again. Once again they found nothing on him and sent him through again. Alarms sounded and James groaned loudly before stepping off to the side to let more people go through. Of course this was happening, it happened every time he went in an airport to security. Speaking into a walkie-talkie the man who was motioning people through asked for assistants. In less than a minute two security men came racing around the corner.

  The three talked quietly for a moment before the two men took the plastic bin with his stuff and ushered him towards a room.

  Once seated he leaned back into the plastic chair. "I don't have any weapons on me." He stated boredly as the two were whispering upon each other. Slamming his hands down onto the cold metal table in front of him the two security guards stopped and looked at him then the table. James glanced down at the table and the dented spots where his hands where rested. Grimacing slightly he pulled his hands away, making the metal rise a little so it wouldn't look so deep and just as if the table was flimsy.

  The older looking man sat down in front of James and narrowed his eyes, "Let's get this over with," he started staring James down, "What did you swallow? Do we need to do an x-ray?" Rolling his eyes James sat forward, resting his arms on the dented table. "I didn't do anything, I mean seriously. I'm only 17, you think I'd actually do something so dangerous as like blowing someone up when I have a life, a girlfriend and my aunt as the principal so I get off the hook. That would be stupid of me to ruin all of that." James said narrowing his eyes. The guard that was sitting didn't look pleased as he stood up and motioned for James to follow them into another room. He was probably going to be x-rayed. 


  Bringing the slice of pizza covered in Italian sausage and green bell peppers to her quivering lips she sighed as she breathed in the delicious smell. Taking a bite of her giant slice of pizza she bought she sank back further into the chair. Samantha loved pizza. The fact that her parents owned a pizza shop had nothing to do with it. She fell in love with pizza when she was little, it was from when she was at a sleepover. The girls parents had made a pizza for the girls, and instantly Samantha was in love. She opened her eyes slightly and glanced around the airport, so far she liked California. Her flight had come in a little early so she decided to get some pizza. 

    Still in a pizza induced haze she almost missed that her phone was blinking and buzzing, slowing making it's way to the edge of the nicely decorated table. Grabbing the shaking object she pressed the 'receive' button and held it to her ear. "Hello?" Samantha said around a mouthful of food. "Samantha Jane Dawnson. Where on Earth are you?" Her mother's worried voice cut through the phone. Wincing, Samantha swallowed her food, "Uh, did you get the no-" She was cute off by her mother's screaming, "Of course we got the note! What in the devil's pie are you doing in California!?"

  Samantha set down her pizza, "I thought you didn't know where I was. Besides, I'm fine. No one is kidnapping me. I'm eating pizza and waiting for.." Her voice trailed off, she couldn't tell her mother that she was waiting for a stranger to pick her up. "I'm waiting for the bus to get back, I'm staying over here for awhile. I'm sorry I didn't tell you to your face but I needed some time off. It's not like I've done this before." The other side of the phone was silent and Samantha gulped, "Hello?" A loud deep sigh escaped from the other side of the conversation, it was most likely her father.

  "You did this after your grandmother died, now you've left without reason. And this time you're in California! You need to come home, my God. What were you thinking? I want you back home on the next flight. Do you understand me?" Her father's strict voice swirled into her thoughts. Tears started to swell in her eyes, they had no idea about the men or about the bookshelf or about her. To them, she was just a runaway. Sighing she cleared her throat, "Something happened, I'll be home soon. Just trust me on this, I've got a bad feeling and you know about my bad feelings. I think our Uncle.." She paused for a brief moment, names reeling in her head, "Colby is in trouble. I'll call you later the buss is pulling in." She pressed the end call button.

   Slumping down in the seat she looked at the half slightly eaten pizza, she wasn't hungry anymore. Her stomach lurched at the thought of eating anything. Gathering her things she dumped the pizza in the trash and headed outside and in front of the spot she was texted to go to.

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