Chapter 8: The Above Ground Battle

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When the Mystery Machine was fully parked, everyone got out, Blake still holding the control panel.

"Alright, gang, the Monster Hive is right over there." Neptune said, pointing in the needed direction

However, before they can go, out of some fog steps the Black Knight Ghost, riding a horse, Jaune gulping.

"You go nowhere, knave." The Black Knight spoke

"You guys take the long way around." Neptune orders the gang. "I'll hold him off."

Not seeing many other options, the others ran, Blake calling out, "Come on!"

"Go get 'im, Nep."  Jaune whispered before following the others

The Black Knight cackled as the others ran.

Neptune steps over to a a tarp and yanked it off, revealing a bike. He grabs a helmet and put it on as he got on the bike. Then, he grabs a metal pole as he drives past it, the Black Knight still simply cackling

Then, he pulls out an ascot, tieing it around his neck, staring down the Black Knight. This was the final stand between him and that metal guarded spook. Then, the two rush at each other, getting closer and closer by the second.

Meanwhile, the others were still heading for the Monster Hive. But when Jaune, Scooby, and Blake got across a small creek, the 10,000 Volt Ghost appeared

"NoT sO fAsT!!!!!" The 10,000 Volt Ghost said shocking the water in the creek before Pyrrha can get across

Pyrrha turns to Blake, Jaune, and Scooby and says, "You guys go, i'll take care of Sparky here. Just get that control panel back to the hive."

"Go, go, go!!" Jaune urged his two friends that made it across

"You got it, Pyrrha!" Blake replied

"OoOh, ScArY!" The 10,000 Volt Ghost taunted

"Taste the pain, Mr. Glowy ugly thing!" Pyrrha aunts.

When Pyrrha jumped to attack the ghost, the resulting surge of electrical energy normally would have killed someone but her aura kept her alive and she got flung through the air, landing next to Neptune, who got knocked off the bike.

"Pyrrh...Pyrrha, you okay?" Neptune asks

"I think so....guess this is it, huh?" Pyrrha responds

"Oh, Daph....i'm afraid. What a wimp, huh?" Neptune responds

"Being afraid doesn't make you makes you human...." Pyrrha responds to Neptune

Meanwhile, Blake, Jaune, and Scooby are running to head for The Monster Hive when they come to a sudden stop at the sight of the shadows of The Skeleton Men.

"The Skeleton Men...." Blake whispers

Scooby then randomly farts which Blake looks at him.

"He does that when he gets nervous...." Jaune explains

"RSorry...." Scooby apologizes

The three tip toe backwards for a little bit before they book it to the corner they came around and hide.

"Here, Jaune, take this." Blake says handing Jaune the control panel

"Why you giving this to me???" Jaune asks

"I'll distract those skeletal screwballs. You and Scooby get this to the Monster Hive." Blake responds

"Us??" Jaune responds

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