Chapter 7: The old Clubhouse and City Chase

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While on their way to the destination they were to go to, they were watching a news report on a small screen. The news report was from Investigative Probe, which Heather Jasper-Howe was hosting.

"This is Heather Jasper-Howe with an emergency update for Investigative Probe. monster army has invaded Coolsville." Heather says. "Angry citizens are gathered outside Mystery Inc.'s offices in protests and demanding they co-operate with The Evil Masked Figure's demands."

"But if we do, he'll get the control panel back. And the city will be in even worse shape." Neptune says as he pulls onto a gravel road

"We'd be playing right into his hands...." Pyrrha adds

"Please, Mystery Inc., for our city's sake-" Heather starts until she gets cut off by an off screen slamming noise and the camera spins to show that Chickenstein had broken into the room Heather was in

, for our city's sake-" Heather starts until she gets cut  off by an off screen slamming noise and the camera spins to show that Chickenstein had broken into the room Heather was in

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AN: This is what Chickenstein would have looked like if he ended up making it to the final cut of Monsters Unleashed

"Sorry, but you're eggs-terminated!" Chickenstein spoke before going, "BGAWK!"

Then, the video feed cuts out.

The Mystery Machine pulls up to an old clubhouse with a broken sign that says 'Mystery Inc.' on it in Yellow letters.

"The old high school clubhouse. We should be safe here." Blake said as everyone got out, Blake holding the control panel

"We haven't been here in years." Pyrrha said

Before going to follow Velma up to the old clubhouse, she noticed Neptune was still in the driver's seat of the Mystery Machine and she walked over.

"Neppy, are you okay?" Pyrrha asks. "You wanna talk?"

Neptune sighed.

"Talking's for wimps." Neptune said as he got out of the Mystery Machine. "It's time for action."

However, Scooby and Jaune remained outside in the Mystery machine as everyone else went into the clubhouse

"This Evil Masked Figure is really tuning Coolsville into Ghouls-Ville. And the gang's taking the hit for it." Jaune comments

Scooby whimpers and puts his head on Jaune's shoulder.

"This is the most our-faultiest screw-up ever, Scoob...." Shaggy adds

In the clubhouse itself, Blake managed to get the generator up and running, surprising her that it still works after all this time.

"Oh, it still works." Blake comments as she sat the control panel on a table before opening a hatch. "Look, all my old tools."

Pyrrha and Neptune then stepped in.

"After all our so-called success, we're back in this old fire trap." Neptune comments

Remnant's Mystery Inc: Scooby-Doo! 2: Monsters UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now