Chapter 7: The old Clubhouse and City Chase

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Neptune walked over and grabbed a photo from when the gang was younger, reminiscing  about those years. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"It all seemed so easy back then." Neptune states

"Yeah, we solved mysteries for the love of them." Pyrrha comments, sitting down next to a computer. "Not to prove anything to anyone."

"Yeah. And the mysteries all seemed to unravel themselves." Blake stated before spotting an old device composed of various other devices on the table. " first Multiple Resonance Imaging device. Made out of a crystal radio and an old video game."

That's when Blake realized something.

"Wait a minute.....Randomonium has an algorithmic cross-currency of -4.121." Blake recalled. "With it, maybe-well, just MAYBE..."

"We could reverse the current and therefore reverse the monster making process!" Neptune adds, standing up

"Yes." Blake confirms. "All we gotta do is rewire the control panel..."

"Bring it back to the Monster Hive and then plug it into the base." Pyrrha adds

"Right, and then push a button..." Blake adds further

"And instead of creating monsters, all the monsters throughout the city will be destroyed." Pyrrha finishes

Everyone looked at each other and got to work and opened up the panel, Blake taking measurements and a couple other needed bits of info.

Here I go, it's time to show i'm not a loser!

Blake hands the result paper to Pyrrha whom went over to a small table.

All the careless little things you've said, like monsters in my head

Pyrrha looked over various circuit boards she had on the table and grabbed one with some tweezers as to not damage it.

All the words I heard you say, I could have turned and walked the other way, but I stuck around

Pyrrha walked over and put the circuit board into place on the control panel as Blake watched over, Neptune carefully using a blowtorch to melt a couple things down in order to use them for their needed use.

I'll never never quit cause there's nothing to it, I'll never never quit cause there's nothing to it, I'll never never quit I can do it!

When Neptune was done, Blake got to work trying to slowly screw the top of the panel back on.

Meanwhile, outside, Jaune and Scooby were able to see what they were doing from outside.

"Like, they're totally having a montage in there without us." Jaune states

"Reah." Scooby replies

The two began walking towards the nearby lake.

"I'll tell you one thing for sure, Scoob. They don't need our help to figure it out." Jaune says

"RWe're screwups." Scooby agreed

"Yeah." Jaune replies. "The only time we ever did anything right is when we accidentally plowed into the Snow Ghost because we ACDIDENTALLY glued our feet to rocket powered roller skates."

Scooby whimpered.

"Face it, Scoob.....we'll never be anything but our old goofy selves." Jaune says. "I wish once, JUST ONCE, I could do the right thing on purpose. You know, Scoob?"

Remnant's Mystery Inc: Scooby-Doo! 2: Monsters UnleashedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz