"Oh, nothing. Just trying to see something..." I said. "You have pretty eyes by the way." 

"Uhm... Thanks. You have nice shoes," he mumbled. I smiled wide and hugged him. 

"Wanna be my guy best friend?" I asked. 

"You know. Elizabeth asked me the same question... And sure. But I'm gay, just warning you," he said, hugging me back. 

"Oh I know. You complimented my shoes," I told him smiling. 


"If a guy compliments your shirt, he's looking at your boobs. If a guy compliments your pants, he's staring at your ass. But if a guy compliments your shoes.... He's gay," I said. He laughed. 

"So, now that you're my best friend, I have to warn you..." I leaned closer and whispered so no one else could hear... "The blonde is mine, that's Niall. The mature one, Liam, is with the girl, Morgan, not officially but yeah. Curly, Harry, and stripes, Louis, are both single and I'm not sure what team they bat for. Zayn is Elizabeth's boyfriend." I backed away, smiling once again. He flashed one as well. 

"Well, now that YOU are MY best friend," he said, "I need your number." He pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I put myself as "Jillian the Mighty". Don't judge me. I sent myself a text and have him his phone back. 

He took mine from me and added himself as "Jeff the Amazing". Wow, great minds think alike right? 

He came and sat with all of us and we got to know him a bit before he had to go back to work. I said goodbye and he headed out. 

"Well, he was nice..." Louis said, looking at Harry. 

"Mhmm..." Harry mumbled. "Yeah, he was." He grabbed Lou's hand and pulled him along out of the room. Vending machines, maybe? 


I shrugged, not really caring where they went. 

"I'm starving," I heard Niall complain. "Let's go to NANDOS." 

"I'm going to stay here, but bring me back something?" Liam asked. "Morgan, too." He smiled at her, cutely. 

"Jillian? You coming with me?" 

"Sure," I said, standing up. 

I grabbed his hand and we walked out.


That's it. It's just Liam and I now. 

Just the two of us. 


So alone. 

Well, this is boring. 

What's that? Is he gonna- 

Liam grabbed my hand again, rubbing he back of it with his thumb. 

"I have a question for you," he said softly. 

"And I have an answer to that question," I replied, simply, making him smile. 

"Would you like to go on a date with me? A proper one?" he looked nervous. 

I pretended to think about that. 

"No. I wouldn't like to," I said. His face fell a bit, but I wasn't done. 

"I would love to." 

He smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen. His eyes almost sparkled. He looked so happy. 

And so was I. 

He had asked me out on a real date. 

"Where are we going to go?" 

Dreams Do Come True (A One Direction FanFiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon