Chapter I: 10 Years Later

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Amity P.O.V.

"Rain get back here!" I chased Rain all through the house only for Luz to pick her up with a single try. "Luz how in the heck—"

"Darling it's a matter of who she likes more obviously." I looked my wife up and down and laughed. Her pockets were bulky and the wrapping of fruit snacks stuck out.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"Cause you lured her with fruit snacks."  I cast a spell lifting roughly 16 fruit snacks out of her pockets and floating them back into their box.

"Oh you're no fun." Luz pouted and looked away from me.

"Mamá you're wrong! Mommy's plenty of fun!" Luz's face softened up immediately and she stared at our daughter in awe. Whenever she thinks Rain does anything cute even a little she has to just watch her and admire her cuteness. Could never say I blame her, Rain has been the most adorable thing in our lives for the past two and a half years, and Luz still hasn't changed her reactions.

"Yeah you're right, Mommy's pretty cool huh?" Luz tickled Rain making her laugh uncontrollably.

"Don't get her to excited she'll need a nap soon."

"But I don't wanna let go of her!"

"Fine then." I scooped up Luz and carried her and Rain to Rain's room.

"Wha- that's cheating!" I giggled at Luz and kissed her.

"Yay cuddles with Mamá!" Rain threw her arms into the air but only got halfway signifying she was getting tired. "Are we gonna read stories?" I put Luz down on the chair next to Rain's bed.

"What if we make up our own story?" Rain's face lit up immediately as she started to cheer for us to tell a story.

"Stowy! Stowy! Stowy!" I couldn't help but chuckle, her slight mispronunciations always make me laugh.

"Alright, so who are our main characters then?" Rain calmed down for a moment to think.

"Hmm...a owetour and a kitty cat!" I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by Luz talking first.

"An otter and a cat? Hmm sounds familiar don't it?" I sat on Rain's bed watching her desperately try not to fall asleep. Before Luz could continue her story someone rang the door bell.

"I got it you put her to sleep." I got up from Rain's bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey no kiss for me?" I rolled my eyes and kissed Luz.

"There Sweetie, now focus on Rain okay?"

"Oh that won't be a problem." Luz looked away from me and tickled Rain a little. I smiled and left to get the front door. Turning the handle the door swung open to reveal Willow and Boscha on the other side. Their kids Louis, who just turned six, and Violet, who was turning eleven in a few months, nearly jumping in excitement at their feet. However their littlest one, Riley, was sleeping calmly in Boscha's arms.

"Auntie Ami can we see Rain?" I grinned at Violet patting her head.

"Not right now she needs to take a nap."

"Oh sorry I guess we came at a bad time." I shook my head stepping out of the way letting Violet and Louis run by me.

"Not at all, come on in. Rain's a heavy sleeper anyway." Willow nodded and both of them walked inside.

"Auntie Ami where's Auntie Luz?" Louis tugged at my shirt as he spoke making sure he caught my attention.

"She's putting Rain down for a nap, why don't you and Violet try Luz's gaming systems from the human world again?" Louis's eyes lit up and he raced over to the TV stand where Violet was already setting a game up.

(TEMPORARY HIATUS!!) Reaching Out|Married AU| Book 2 Of "Stuck With The Rain"Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt