Chapter 18

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"Bella." Josh said coming by my locker.

"Hi Josh." I smiled.

"I just got back from my camping trip, I heard about the fight with you, and Piper. I am so sorry." He sighed.

"Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault." I shrugged.

"It was, If I hadn't start dating her you wouldn't have been arguing with each other."

"Josh... the fight wasn't about you." I told him.

"Who else would it be about? Weren't you two fighting because you were jealous of me, and Piper?" He asked.

"Why would I be jealous of you, and Piper?"

"Nothing just forget it, what was the fight about?" He asked.

"It was about Keith, I don't really want to talk about the fight anymore it's in the past- Keith? Keith Taylor?" He asked cutting me off.


"Why would it be about Keith? She wouldn't have a reason to fight you over Keith if she's with me." He scoffed.

"Josh I just told you that I didn't want to talk about- Why was the fight over Keith Bella?" He asked cutting me.

"Keith is my boyfriend, she got upset about it so the fight just happened." I said feeling a bit nervous right now from the way he was looking at me.

"So your dating Keith? Should've saw it coming." He chuckled.

"What?" I questioned.

He stepped up to me backing me against my locker with it still being open. "So you turn me down since freshmen year, then suddenly just start going with Keith?"

"I've never been into you like that Josh, I'm sorry." I responded truthfully. I never wanted to hurt his feelings, I've always told him that I just wanted to stay friends.

"No you aren't sorry, you're just a fucking bitch who thinks that she can play with someone's feelings, and get away with it." He laughed.

Did he just call me a..

Excuse me.

"Don't just stand there say something." He seethed grabbing my wrist tightly making me wince.

"Josh, that hurts." I hissed as he squeezed harder onto them. There was no one in the hallway since I asked to use the bathroom so everyone was already in their classes.

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