Part 9

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Warning: suicidal thoughts and actions!!

Seraphina was exhausted.

She had basically pulled an all nighter as her mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of her chaotic day for her to actually sleep.

Of course she had tried to shove them to the back of her mind more than once, but just as she would think she finally succeeded, images of the ambush would fill her head once again.

After this had gone on for about two or three hours, the young female had finally given up and just decided to stare blankly at her bedroom ceiling from where she was lying on her back on her bed. Her thoughts raced throughout her head as she finally gave in to them.

Moonlight seeped through the only window in her bedroom, illuminating Seraphina in a pale blue glow as the distant howls of wolves danced across her ears. 

She turned her head to stare out the window, quirking a brow in wonder as the howls continued.

'What's with the wolves recently?' The magenta-haired teen had thought to herself. Sure, she had heard them howling before. Sometimes they were so loud she could've sworn they were on campus somewhere.

But they seemed a lot more active than usual.

The occasional howling every few nights was something she had come to grown accustomed to. It had started to become something familiar for her, and no doubt, many other people in the area. 

However, the wolves had been active for the past three nights in a row, their cries echoing through the night like a unified careless whisper almost as if something or someone was somehow influencing their behavior.

'Maybe something has caught their attention and they're so interested in it that they've been howling to try and get its attention.' Seraphina immediately snorted in amusement at her own ridiculous idea that her tired brain had come up with.

There was no possible way wolves could be that smart, could they?

She didn't know. It wasn't like she was an expert on animals or anything.

Images of a large black-furred wolf suddenly flew across her vision and her blue eyes widened slightly at the memories.

That wolf had not only saved Arlo from getting his ability disabled, but it had also saved her life and even took two blows from two different knives which could've been aimed at her instead.

"That wolf definitely seemed smart." The teen spoke out loud to herself, bringing a hand up from under the warmth of her blanket to place a finger on her chin. "But then again, that wolf didn't seem to be normal at all."

First of all was its size. It was huge and practically towered over any human being, and Seraphina knew for a fact that wolves didn't get that big.

The other thing she had noticed, while laying awake in her churning sea of thoughts, was that it seemed to have the awareness and even the emotions of a human being.

After analyzing the events of the ambush over and over again in her head, she was able to pick out the tiny details.

The fact that the wolf had directly gone for the person holding a dangerous syringe instead of attacking people aimlessly.

The wolf turning its head to seemingly make sure the syringe had shattered before baring its teeth and growling angrily down at the man beneath its paws.

When the wolf had snapped its head up towards her and she could've sworn she saw fear flash across its eyes for a split second before it dashed in her direction and she went into panic mode.

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