A little too drunk

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We walk out to the front of the hotel. A beautiful black car pulls up in front us. He opens the passenger door and tells me to get in. I sit down and he places my purse and coat on my lap. This car is so...elegant and expensive-looking and...hot. I'm so wasted. He sits next to me in the drivers seat. I look out the window and let out a sigh.

- Everything okay? He asks me

- Not really, if I'm honest. My life changed so quickly. I mean I was ready for my dad to give up his business but I didn't think it would happened fast.

- Was he sick? Did he die?

- Oh...no, sadly. I payed someone to fall in love with him. Little did I know he was going to run away with her.

- Wait, what? Who did you pay?

- I have my contacts, I smile. Anyway, ever since my mom left him, he's been drowning himself in alcohol and strippers so I though maybe he would meet her and they would run the company together. Like she could fix him. I laugh. That man was broken way before he met my mother.

- Wow. Um, so where are you staying?

- uh, I actually don't know. I giggle. Oops? I lean on the closed car door and slowly close my eyes. This is comfy, I say.

- okay, let's bring you somewhere you can actually sleep. He says while starting the engine.

All I feel is the car moving under me as I drift in and out of sleep. This booze is so fucking good. I get why my dad took comfort in it. After what felt like an eternity, I open my eyes just enough to see Alex. He's driving so seriously. It's kind of sexy. A man dressed in a three piece suite with a golden watch driving a black Audi. This is the shit of fantasies. I mean, I'm pretty shit- faced right now so it could just be the vodka talking but I would let that man do anything he wants to me. I fall back asleep.

The car stops and he reaches to wake me up.

- I didn't know where to bring you, so I booked a room on the same floor as mine if you ever need anything. Come on, let's get you on a real bed.

- okay, I whisper trying not to anger the pounding in my skull.

He helps me out of the car and into the hotel. I look around and is immediately woken up by the beauty of this hotel. He goes to the front desk to get our keys. He hands me my key card and guides me into the elevator. I lean onto his chest, exhausted. He hesitantly puts his arm over my shoulder. The elevator door dings and we get out. He shows me to my room and I flop into the bed. He puts my stuff on the couch.

- I'm in the room 801 if you need anything.

He leaves.

I fall asleep to the luxurious, cold bed under me.

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