Real life porn (mature)

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Request from ishipdrarryandsnarry
HIStory era- Michael isn't famous, your parents just have money.

I sat on the end of my father's bed as he packed for this 2 week long vacation with his wife, and as he calls her, my stepmother Katherine. I didn't hate the woman, i actually really like her. She's sweet, but just... Boring. They've been dating for about a year now. And she has this irritating, stuck up, rude, ass wipe, fine ass son named Michael. He's 37, and acts like a 15 year old boy, and my father doesn't seem to care at all. In my dads head, Michael is an 'attractive, distinguished man.' Nobody but me seems to see the issue in his cocky, conceited, childish attitude.

"Take me with you, please? Please daddy? I don't- scratch that I ain't gonna be able to stay in this dam- dang house for 3 whole weeks By my self! At least let me come for like a week." I cross my arms, giving my father world famous puppy dog eyes. Hoping they would work and he would just take me with him and katherine and book me my own hotel room. 

"I already told you, no. And no means no, girl. This is a romantic vacation for me and your mother-"

"Woah! Katherine is not my damn mother. You know that." It takes every ounce of self control in my body to not roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"What i tell you about cursing in front of me? I dont give a shit if you 19. I'm your father and you gonna respect me, damn it! Now, I done told your little ass no. Don't ask me no more Zayeema. Now walk me outside and help me with my luggage." Dad yanks his suitcase off the bed. "I'm 20." I mumble, staring a hole into the side of his bald head. His head whips around and one of his bushy eyebrows are raised. "I dont care if you 60." Turning back and stomping out the bedroom.

I smack my teeth and grab his carry-on off the bed, following behind at no haste.

"Zayeema!" My dad calls from downstairs causing me to sprint down the stairs, where he's standing at the front door which is ajar, with Katherine's small figure behind him. "Come here." My dad softly says, opening his arms for a hug, which I dont hesitate to accept. Especially since the feeling of missing him is starting to sink in.


After watching my dads car roll down the long driveway, i went back into the house my paranoia getting the best of me. I quickly lock the door behind me and dash into The kitchen, grabbing a few snacks to take up into my room.

I close my bedroom door behind me and turn something on my TV. I see that Martin is on so i decide on watching that.

About 2 hours passes by before the sound of footsteps in front of my door causes me to freeze.

My heart begins to beat so loudly I can hear it in my ears. I thought I locked the door!

I mute the TV and watch the door closely. Waiting to die.

The door flings open and in stumbles Michael, swinging his keychain in a circle.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I hop out of my bed, my eyes bulging out my head. "Hello to you to darling. I'm doing great. Thanks for asking." He places his hands on his hips and shrugs. "I didn't!" I throw the empty box of swiss rolls at his head, To which he blocks with his forearm. "Yeah, that's the problem." He Bends over to pick up the empty box and does a fake pout. "Damn. I wanted some of these but I see your, fat ass ate them all." He pokes out his bottom lip and tosses the box in the Trash. Making himself comfortable on my bed. I stand there, my eyebrows furrowed and arns crossed.

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