The "other woman"

887 12 7

Anonymous request

Thriller era

I sat on the ground next to the floor to ceiling window of my living room and watched the rain pour across the window pane. The gloomy weather matching my mood perfectly. The little droplets like track- stars fighting for the number one spot.

My entire focus being on him. Michael and his brothers had went on tour about 6 months ago and I missed him dearly. Seeing other couples do couple things during the holidays really made me miss him even more. Watching Christmas movies until Christmas day, making treats. Of course Michael didn't celebrate the holiday but I just know he would do the fun activities. I hadn't spoken to him since thanksgiving and my insecurities were beginning to get the best of me. What if he found someone else? What if just doesn't wanna be with me anymore and he just is gonna avoid me? I shook my head to myself. I had to keep reminding myself that thanksgiving was only about a week ago and he still had shows to do, also he could be tired. I began to feel selfish at the fact that I was jumping to conclusions instead of considering his feelings and well-being. I can't help it though. I miss him so much. I wish he was here with me. I wish he was here to hold me and we could watch some movies in the rain. His company would be enough for me. I decide on calling him. Just to calm my nerves and put an end to my anxiety. (I hope)

I walk over to the phone on my kitchen wall. I grab my phonebook from underneath the end table and dial the number to Michael's hotel suite. I wait anxiously, expecting for him to answer after the 2nd ring like he usually does. But he doesn't. I sigh and hang up the phone almost on the verge of tears. Is he avoiding me?

Just as im about to sit down, the phone rings. I almost trip over my coffee table while running back over to the phone. "Hello?" I breathlessly say. "Y/N? Hey its me Michael." he says, as if I don't know that already. "Hey,'s the tour going?" I ask, trying to ignore the fact that he just ignored my call. "Oh. The tour its...its nice. I miss you, a lot though." his words cause a small smile to form across my face. "I-" "Mike! Come on, get off the phone. You don't wanna ruin the night do ya?" a woman's voice says from the background. My eyes widen and my heart drops to my ass and jumps back up to my throat.  There's some shuffling on his end and aggressive whispering before he comes back to the phone. "Im real sorry about that honey. But what were you saying?" his silky voice says through the phone. But I can't speak. My suspicions were in fact true. He found some entertainment on tour. And im sure it came in the form of a blonde bimbo. I quickly hang up the phone as a tear falls down my eye.  I begin to full on sob as I walk upstairs to my bedroom slowly. How could he? Why would he? I curl up into a ball and continue to cry. After a few minutes my crying comes to a cease and im left with just hiccups and sniffles.

My doorbell rings and I don't wanna answer it. But i decide answering it would be better than having to hear the annoying noise. I sluggishly walk to the door and unlock it, swinging it open.

There stands Michael with a glass vase of flowers in his hands. My favorite,  blue hydrangeas. But. Hes the last person I wanna see right now. "Surprise!" he cheerily says with a big smile on his face, making my knees weak. I narrow my eyes at him wondering how he can be so cheery after I just found out he had some hoochie in his hotel room. "Okay...well, honey. I brought your favorite flowers." he pushes the vase outwards in my direction. I smile and smell them. A satisfied smile appears on his face. I push him out the way and throw the vase out the door, watching the vase break into millions of pieces. I quickly stomp back into the house, trying to get in before Michael can follow me into the house. I attempt to shut the door but Michael places his body weight against it. Prohibiting me from doing so. "What the hell, Y/N? What's wrong with you?" Michael says, still pushing on the door. "Fuck you! Fuck you and them damn flowers! You stupid bitch! Go to that whore!" I shout, and his weight is released from the door allowing me to shut and lock it. "Girl what? Just let me in!" he shouts from the other side of the door, banging his large fist on the door. "You think I didn't hear that hoe in the background while we were speaking?" "Y/N, just let me in, please." he says. "Michael, god so help me. Get away from my damn door or i will call the police on your skinny ass." I shout heading up the stairs, ignoring Michael's banging and calls for me to let him in. Once I get to my room I slam the door and flop on my bed. My adrenaline is still rushing and I still can't believe him.

A brick flies through my window and lands just a few inches shy of the left side of my bed causing me to fall off the bed and scream in fear. 'We look for love no time for tears, wasted waters all that is. And it don't make no flower grow...'

I quickly get up from my floor and go to the broken window. There Michael stands holding a boom-box over his head, Just the 2 of us blaring out the speakers. One of my bricks missing from my flower-bed behind him.

"Michael, what the hell are you doing?! Im gonna kill your ass!!" I scream down at him in fury. "Just the 2 of us. We can make it if we tried. Just the 2 of us." he sings along to the song, bobbing his head right to left along to the beat. I roll my eyes and want to just run him over. I walk away from the window and go unlock the front door, watching Michael walk around the back of the house. "Get in the house! Im not doing this outside in front of my neighbors." I stomp into the house after him. "Y/n that girl wasnt a-" "Hoe?" I narrow my eyes at him. Turning and walking up the stairs and walking in the direction of my bedroom. "Yeah. It was actually Janet. We had a special night planned for the 2 of us tonight since I just got back home from tour the day before yesterday. She was telling me to get off the phone before I accidentally spoil the surprise." he explains, leaning on the dresser in front of my bed. There's an eery silence between the 2 of us as he examines my face trying to see and emotion. I sigh standing up. I wrap my arms around his skinny waist. His arms soon follow as they wrap around my neck. "Im still mad you broke my window." I murmur, pulling away from the hug. Playfully punching his chest causing him to giggle. "Who cares? You love me, girl." he smirks, pulling me into a kiss by my neck.

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