The Prom Chapter

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Just a warning, this chapter has Zalex and Jadex in it. I no longer support Zalex and don't know how to feel about Jadex. If you missed the discontinued chapter, please read that.

I just spent a lot of time working on this and didn't want it to die. Other ships in this are Drade, Charluca, and Levight. If you can look past the Zalex and Jadex, then go ahead and read on. There are about 6500 words, and again, I didn't want it to go to waste.

Enjoy the Charluca, Levight, and Drade.


Alex curled her hair as Charli added her last bits of makeup. Jade sat on Alex's bed, playing on her phone. "I'm nervous," Alex admitted, curling the last bit of her hair before taking two sides and tying her hair into a half ponytail. Jade laughed, "Why? It's just prom, no big deal."

Alex groaned as Charli giggled, "Jade, what do you mean it's 'just prom'?? It happens once in a lifetime, we're almost out of high school, we're almost adults, how is that not nerve-wracking?" She questions, fluffing out her hair. Charli goes into Alex's room and sits next to Jade on her bed, Alex following shortly after.

"I dunno, I mean, look at us. We're beautiful, let's not act nervous. We should treat it like the best night of our lives, let's have fun, not worry about anything else!" Jade exclaimed, crossing her legs. Charli huffed, "You're just saying that because you're not wearing a dress."

Which was true, even though Alex and Charli begged for Jade to get a dress, she went with a suit instead. Not that they're complaining now, it looked better on her than any dress ever would.

Jade only laughed, "True,"

The girls then heard the doorbell ring, "Oh, they're here!" Alex cheered, getting up and speed walking down the stairs and to the door, the girls following after her, getting to the door at the moment Alex's mom opened the door to let the guys in. The girls stopped and stared, and the guys did the same.

Charli smiled as she ran up to Luca, embracing him in a hug, Luca yelped in embarrassment. His hat fell to the floor as he hugged back, smiling widely like a dork. "I'm so happy you're here! I love your suit, it fits you so well," She complimented.

Luca reached into his pocket and pulled out a pink flower, handing it to Charli, "For you," Charli took it and smiled, "The pink flower you always wear?" she asked, earning a nod from the other. Charli looked at the flower and back at Luca, before taking it and clipping it on the ribbon attached to his hat. "It looks better on you."

Alex slowly walked up to Zach, the feeling of nervousness lingered in her inner core as she looked up to him, uttering a simple, "Hey."

Zach looked away and gave a crooked smile before handing her a corsage. "For you, princess," he uttered. Alex looked down to see the corsage before grabbing it and pinning it on her dress, a wide smile shyly blooming on her face. She looked up to face her boyfriend and ruffled his hair, "No need to be so formal," she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck as he slid his hands under her waist and the two shared a loving kiss, feeling the other smile beneath their lips.

"Get a room you two!" Jade teased, causing them to part out of embarrassment as Zach shouted the classic, "Shut up, Jade!" Alex unraveled her arms from around Zach's neck and grabbed his hand, almost subconsciously. She turned to look back at her friends, seeing Charli's arms wrapped around Luca's neck, resting her head on top of his and Jade with Drake, standing beside him eating a croissant. "Uh, Jade?" Charli questioned. Jade chewed for a moment before replying with a muffled, "What?"

"Where'd you get that?"

"Oh," Drake answers for her, "I thought it said croissant, not corsage..." he chuckles nervously, causing the other four to break out in laughter. Jade shrugged, "I preferred this anyway." She took another bite of the croissant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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