Chapter 4: Mundanely Mundane

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The girls had a ton of fun in the mall, eating free samples, trying on new outfits, looking at new games, etc.

They didn't buy much, they only brought about 50 dollars. Just left with a couple new skirts, a shirt or two, and Jade had bought a rat plush. Alex was tempted to get a Pokémon one, Mimikyu to be exact, but determined she should just save her money. It was a shame, she really liked Mimikyu.

The girls put their stuff in the back and got into the car, it was already about 5 PM. Alex drove the girls to their houses and then drove to her own home.

Not that she hated being home, but she always avoided it. Her mother never really noticed. Alex parked her car and got her bags, she shut and locked her car doors then went to her door.

She inserted the key into its hole, unlocking the door and slowly opening it. She got inside and instantly heard the yelling and sighed. She hopes that maybe, just maybe, in a new place she wouldn't hear as much arguing. She was wrong. Alex shut the door behind her and went upstairs, she got a glance of the living room to see her mother on the phone, probably arguing with her dad over the divorce.

Alex got in her room, dropping off her bags and falling on the bed. She let out a long sigh, staring at the ceiling and zoning out. She tried blocking out the sound of her mother's shouting, but it was miles better than at the old house. Better than hearing both parents screaming and furniture breaking.

Just as she started to finally find peace, she heard a loud noise. No, loud... music? She sat up and looked out the window. It was coming from the neighbor's house. They were playing the guitar REALLY loudly.

Alex used to play guitar, she dropped it so she could sell her guitar and get money to afford a better PC. She still sorta regrets it, she had a lot of fun playing the guitar. But she knew damn well it can be played without being so loud.

She covered her head with a pillow, groaning loudly. She then felt her phone vibrate. She looked at it, a message from Jade.

"Wanna play Among Us?"

Finally, something, ANYTHING to escape this. Alex instantly texted a desperate "YES"

She got on her PC and got on Among Us, putting on her headphones. Jade took a little while to answer back,

"Mind if the rest of the club join?"

"Nope, I'd prefer if they did."

So, they got into Among Us and played a couple of rounds, they laughed and joked, it made Alex feel a little better.

After a while, Alex just felt exhausted. "Hey guys, I'm gonna head out. I'm tired."

Sora laughed, "Good luck getting any sleep with that guitar blaring in the background!" The rest laughed as well, Alex chucking a little, "I hope they stop soon. Anyway, good night guys!"


"Good night!"


"Sleep well!"

Alex disconnected from the discord call and turned off her PC, wandering back to her bed.

That stupid guitar only kept playing. It had to be at least 12 AM before it finally shut up.

Alex was so tired, frustrated, and angry and now she could finally sleep. She slowly shut her eyes and dozed off...


The morning came, Alex was exhausted but managed to look like she's got things together with some extra make-up and a little more coffee than usual. She stopped by her locker and got her things before heading off to the drama room. 

She shoved the doors open, capturing the attention of everyone there. "Hello everyone!" She greets elegantly, walking down the stairs with lighthearted snobbiness. "You look like the cliche high school 'mean queen'," Jade comments, causing Alex to giggle, "Exactly what I was going for."

"I still can't believe what happened yesterday," Charli blurts out, looking at the ceiling. "Wait, what thing?" Luca questions, looking up from the flower in his hand. "The entire 'Zach pinning Alex against the wall and Alex flat out rejecting him' thing??" 

"Oh yeah..." He mumbles, looking back down at the flower. "I still don't see what the big deal is honestly. He's just some dude who tried flirting with me and I turned him down cause I'm not interested in the whole 'one nightstand' kind of thing," The blond replies, taking a sip of her coffee. 

"It literally has never happened, of course, some girls were a little weirded out, but nobody has EVER told him off after shoving him off them," explained Jade, "it's only your second day here and I know you're going to be the talk of the school."

"Nah," Alex shrugged, "it's not that big of a deal."

And just like that, the bell rang. "Cya guys last period!" Jade waved off, grabbing her stuff. Alex grabs her bag and coffee, slinging the bag over one shoulder, "Cya!" she cheers before walking out and heading to her first class with Jade and Charli.

The day went by like normal, nothing particularly out of the ordinary, the guy who sat by her in geometry was who she now recognized as Zach. After sitting next to him the class got quiet, it was hard to break the awkward tension. They didn't talk to each other, not even daring to look or breathe in the other's direction. 

German went by fine, it was a beginner's course so learning basic phrases wasn't much of a challenge.

"Milch und Kaffee, bitte!" She'd repeat from the board, "Kaffe mit nein Milch, bitte!" 

Odd how the first phrase being taught is how to ask for some coffee, but she didn't really mind. Considering how "Hello" was literally "Hallo". 

The multiple variations of "the" were the tricky part. Das, die, der, dem, des, den, it was too much to remember. Luckily, she's gotten the main two, der and die, down fairly well. Kinda.

"Der Kase, die Eule, das Land..." it's all so odd. Why is "cheese" masculine, why is "owl" feminine, why is "country" neutral?

Despite the confusion, it was nothing new. 

Then, speech class. 

"Hello everyone," the teacher greeted as Alex sat down, "Today, we'll be working on a mini-speech project to help everyone prepare for future ones!"

The class groans, causing the teacher to become slightly annoyed, "Don't worry, it isn't much. Just write an informative speech with a partner about a Historical event. I'll be choosing partners."

The class groaned again. She seemed to ignore it.

"Gabe and Jean," she began to call out partner names, Alex was just waiting to know who her partner's going to be, not really listening to the others.

Then, her name was called, the teacher got to her and went "Alex and..." she scanned her eyes across the room, looking for a partner. "Zach."



Okay, tbh... I'm in sort of a dilemma. I kinda want to make it Light x Levi and Charli x Luca instead of Charlight, but I was really excited to write "neo-Charlight" and now don't know what to do.

I wanna introduce Levi, but how am I gonna fit him into this plot? Hm... give some ideas if you'd like. It's 4 AM, I'm gonna sleep.

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