..Ending and Epilogue..

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"Do you miss them?" Virgil asked as he leaned against Logan in bed.

"Terribly, but it's best if they never find out. Let them live their lives."

"What about Roman, do you think he will be okay?"

"Roman's greatest strength is his charisma, he will be perfectly fine. I honestly would not be surprised if he started acting or pursuing other artistic endeavors."

"But what if he gets traced back to old activities."

"Do you distrust how careful I am?" Logan turned, facing Virgil and giving him a sly smirk.

"No, no, I know you have backup plans for your backup plans." Virgil let out a soft sigh, gently kissing Logan's neck. "So then, you don't regret it?"

"Not at all, I love them, and... although I miss them terribly, their happiness was always my goal, I was just... too short-sighted to see that I was the one in the way of that happiness."

Virgil nodded, "I think I can get used to a domestic life out in the forest."

"I thought it would appeal to you, no people, no judgments."

"Though, living in the forest with a murder is a little scary."

Logan pouted, and Virgil just kissed him gently before laughing. "Now, let's get breakfast." Virgil popped out of bed, making his way to the kitchen, and Logan watched him go.

It was hard to be away from the life he had built himself, but he was curious to see where the future would take him.

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