Chapter 9: It's nice to have a friend

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"I don't care. I better see you tomorrow with a new phone, Tine Teepakorn."

Tine's POV

Sarawat took my phone and walked away, and I—I just stood there calculating how much money I will need to buy him a new phone and how money I will be left with after I get him his phone back.

"Dammit, I literally just got money"

By the time I walked out of the washroom, Sarawat was no where to be found in the bar. But my friends had finally arrived.

"Hey, we were looking for you, Tine. I even called. Why didn't you pick up the phone?" asked Fong.

"Don't even ask me about my phone right now Fong." I sighed and sat on the empty chair near him.

"What's wrong, Tine? Are you okay?" It was Love who asked me this time.

"Nothing.. wait, Love, you are in the music club too, right? Can you please help me get into the club as soon as possible? I don't care what you need do."

Love laughed and bumped her elbow with mine. "Is it because you want to get closer to Sarawat?"

"No, its not what you think—"

"But its going to be really difficult for Tine to get Sarawat's attention — He always has girls swarming him around." Fong butted him.

"I don't want Sarawat's attention—"

"But Fong..." Love chuckled. "I don't Sarawat isn't into girls."

"Wait, seriously?" I moved forward in my seat with my hand on my chin.

"Look, who is suddenly interested?" Love clicked her tongue.

I sighed. "I am not interested in Sarawat like that—"

"Its okay Tine. You don't need to explain yourself to me. I think Sarwat is cute. A bit rough on the edges but he seems like a nice guy. But I'll try my best to get you into the club. May be even tomorrow"

I sighed. Love could think whatever she wants, as long as she could get me inside the club. "Oh and Fong, can you find me some part-time jobs again? I think I am going to have to take some up."

"Why? Why? You made enough money selling those stocks."

"Well, I have kind of found myself in a ditch again."




I have no idea how Love pulled it through, but the next morning, Love told me I was now a part of the music and I needed to attend its first meeting in the evening. All the other new members got a text about it too — but of course, my phone was with Sarawat and I had no way to get it back except to beg to him.

So, I walked with Love to the music club, hoping to run into Sarawat and finally get my phone back.

"Love, I didn't know the music club was so popular. How are there so many people here? I didn't even know it existed until a few weeks ago." I whispered to Love while we were sitting their waiting for the club meeting to start.

"Its not, to be honest. But this year, a lot of Sarawat's 'wives' are wanting to join the club. But like I said, you don't have to worry about the competition, "

"I don't have any competition. And I don't care about Sarawat 'wives' or whatever crazy thing they like to call themselves. I am just here for the music."

Love turned and looked at Tine. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I forgot we were in your denial phase."

"Hello everyone!" Our conversation was interrupted by a tall guy who took the centre stage in the club room. "Its good to see so many people at our small music club this year. I am Dim, the club president."

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