Chapter 12 - Bryson's Problems

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Tate and Erin were in their own world and hardly said anything to us. Pa asked about the album release and the tour. I didn't say much about how I was going to ask Kendyl to come along. Lee started talking about going out to seeing me perform a few times. I told them about the few things I was doing before the tour and they all wanted to go. Mama said she will go when she is fully fine too so I don't have to worry.

Pa soon got up to go make the food and I decided to help him. Kendyl stayed and talked to mama. Tate and Erin disappeared which is normal for him. Lee followed them so I had figured it all out.

Pa and I were getting the meal done in no time. Lee came around and set the table and made sure everyone had a glass full of juice or soda. We called everyone to the table and I decided to go up and get Bryson to come out of his room and go downstairs. I knocked on his door and heard him mumble what. I opened the door and saw him in a messed up room.

"Damn dude, tornado ally in here huh?" I laughed but he didn’t. He looked at me but didn't say anything. "Come on down for dinner." I told him.

"Do I have to?" he asked. I nodded.

"Mama is finally feeling up to having people around. She is taking advantage of feeling good. So come on bud." I said. He slowly got up and walked over all his throw all over the place stuff. I looked around his room and even his posters were ripped off the wall. I grabbed his arm as he was walking past me. "What's going on with you? Everything okay?" I asked and he just glared at me and jerked his arm away.

"Fucking peachy." He said walking down the steps. I sighed. We all got into the dining room and sat around holding hands to do the prayer.

"Bry you wanna do the prayer?" Pa asked. Everyone looked at him.

"No." He said in the same pissy tone he had when he last spoke to me.

"I'll do it daddy." Bailee said. I heard Bryson mumble and mama glared at him knowing it wasn't nice.

"Go on." Pa said.

Bailee did a nice prayer and then we could dig in. The meal was great. I saw Ma picking at her food. She didn't have much of an appetite. We all got through the meal and then it was dessert time. I couldn't wait because Pa said that ma made her famous apple pie. Which was my favorite. We were all sitting at the table while Pa got it and Kendyl helped get the plates. Tate collected the dishes and we all just sat in silence waiting.

"Can I go back up to my room now?" Bry asked Mama. She shook her head no.

"Wait till after desert son. We never have a family dinner like this." She said softly smiling.

"Please?" He asked in an aggravated tone.

"Cut that tone boy." Pa said placing the pie in the middle of the table. Bryson looked pissed. Kendyl finished placing the plates finishing with ours and sat down. Pa started slicing the pie.

"I really don't want pie." Bry said standing up.

"Come on Bry. Don't ruin this." Tate growled at him.

"Fuck off Tate." Bry said.

"Bryson Jacob Bryan. Watch your mouth!" Mama yelled at him. Pa just was leaning over the Pie. Pa always was next to get on you if mama yelled. Especially now. Bryson had his fist clenched.

"Say sorry Bryson." Pa said handing out the pieces of pie. He stayed standing and didn't say anything. Pa was at Tate and then stood up straight. "Boy, I'm not playing with you. You say sorry to your mama."

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