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Y/n Pov

It takes us 13 hr 52mins to reach Egypt.
Right now me and Ethan had breakfast and he drifted to sleep. He looks tired and cute when he sleeps. I took an picture of him and set as my wallpaper. Today is my best day, after Ethan confence. Right now I am trying to sleep Ethan sleeping on my shoulders.
I closed my eyes amd drifted to dreams immediately.

In dreams.

I woke up in a bed hard as wood. I looked around and found myself in a place full of rotten bodies and dried blood on the floor.I saw an corner full of dead bodies kept in piles as I made my way to tye pile I heard someone screaming.

"Help, someone help me" without an second thought I splinted my leg towards the direction. But I heard it again this time from my back I headed towards the sound . But the sound just kept changing direction and each time with high pich and painful cry.

"SHUT UP" I shouted and everything went silent in seconds. I gulped and looked around, to see any danger coming but there were non, so I sighed in relief. But it doesn't last long coz I heard the screaming again.

'It will surely make me deaf' I thought and ran towards the  direction of the sound.

I noticed that when I was  wondering around before the sound was increasing, but now the screams was coming in one direction and in low pitch.

I continued running and ended in a black bedroom. There was even an coffin placed inside it with no cover.

I slowly went towards tye coffin to find an girl sleeping.

I slowly went towards tye coffin to find an girl sleeping

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

She was beautiful like an angle. I leaned forward to see her face for some reason I was attracted to her face.
Now her face and my face were only an inch distance.

I was looking into her closed eyes, lile I was studying it.

I gasped when it suddenly opened revealing her black eyes.

I gasped when it suddenly opened revealing her black eyes

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Mission impossible (On Hold For A While)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum