Chapter 59 | dress up

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"I told you. I fucking told you that you'd have to do this. Our first night together I told you you'd come to me needing makeup for a case disguise and here we are" you teased.

L wasn't too pleased he'd lost that bet he completely forgot about, but you were right. It did come to this.

In order to get to the lab, you'd have to head into the mountains. And it seems blue ship have thought of that first. After being picked up by Watari and Suruga last night, you'd been driving in that direction all morning. And according to Suruga who'd looked into the cops investigation to try and find Maki, they'd placed check in points all up the road to the mountains hoping to catch you.

Which meant it was time for a disguise. You didn't have much on you to do so, but it could be done if you took some creative measures.

"Yeah L, it won't be that bad" Maki teased.

You handed him the wig you knew you'd need ams gotten at the store back in the city.

"I'll look ridiculous" he said.

"It's a disguise L, we need to get past those checkpoints somehow"

"I don't know how to be a girl..."

"Just put on the wig, I'll do your makeup and you can take my jacket. Maki can stuff her hair into her hat and wear her school blouse to pretend to be your son. Me and boy will hide under the seats and all you have to do is pretend to be a family" you said.

"Wait so I have to be the husband in this scenario?" Suruga said.

"Yes. Luckily none of the cops after us know you're with us. Just pretend to be Makis dad" you said.

"And Watari?" L asked.

"They don't know he's with us either, therefore he's the grandfather, you're the mother, Suruga is the father and Maki is the son. Boy and I hide under the seats and bags and no one will suspect a thing"

It sounded ridiculous. But, it was all you had going for you and it just might work. As long as you and boy aren't seen and L and Maki look different it should work. And the best way to obscure an appearance is to swap genders. They're looking for a man and a schoolgirl, not a woman and a school boy.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Maki laughed.

"Fine..." L sighed.

You and Maki high fived at your success of getting L to agree to this little drag show you'd be putting him in.

Currently you were parked on the side of a rather empty road leading up to the mountains to take a break and make a plan. Everyone out wandering about to stretch their limbs and grab snacks from nearby stores. So far everything had worked, Watari was able to get a different van from another wammys checkpoint in Japan, pick up Suruga who gave the details on what the cops plan was so you could avoid it, and blue ship hadn't caught you yet.

Maki wanna showing any symptoms of the virus yet, and so far wasn't contagious. At this rate you'd make it there before anything happened to her.

You had too move fast though. As soon as L agreed to your wild plan you already gotten to work. You swapped clothes with him in the back of the van, and got out that makeup to work your magic. You didn't have a proper set up to do this little transformation at, so you ended up having to sit in his lap in the back seat so you could paint eyeliner on and stick some false lashes on him.

He complained about that, of course. But he didn't complain about the lipstick, since not only was is flavoured, it was cosme Misa branded. To your surprise, L was actually pulling this off. Your final touch was the wig, and while you didn't have a wig cap, you made do by pinning his hair back with makis hair clips and putting the wig on top of that.

You could hardly believe it, he actually looked like a girl. If it weren't for his deep voice he could probably pass as one completely actually... he'd have to stay quiet at the checkpoints to not give anything away.

"Ladies and gentlemen-" you began, opening the back of the van and stepping out.

The others turned to face you.

"My work is done!" You laughed.

L sighed, stepping out behind you.

Suruga snickered at the sight, while maki gasped in awe.

"Wooahhh he actually does look like a girl!" She said.

"I know, he passes better than I thought he would" you replied.

L looked in the reflection of the van windows and at first he seemed annoyed, but the more he looked at himself he just became impressed with how well he pulled it off and how amazing you were at makeup to do so. 

"Ok... I'll give you credit, you pulled it off" you said.

"Just remember to act like a girl. For the rest of the day you're my girlfriend not my boyfriend"

At the perfect time, Watari came back from getting those snacks at the corner store L wanted. Doing a double take when he saw the sight of his son figure in drag.

"Well, I have always wanted at daughter..." he joked.

"Dad-" L scoffed.

"I'm surprised it worked with the little supplied we have"

"Me too honestly. Maki, get into the van and put your school blouse on, then tuck your hair up into your hat" you said.

"Got it!" She replied, climbing into the back of the van to do so.

While L messed with the wig so it was about if his face and Maki got changed, everyone else waited outside. Boy had grabbed a stick and started drawing math into the dirt, it seemed to be the same thing as back at the cafe. If only you understood it.

"L" you said.


"Understand his little number here?"

L walked over and the both of you watched boy draw lines in the sand followed by numbers. Suruga and Watari looking over your shoulders as well.

"He's very smart for a kid" Suruga said.

"He's a genius at math, I think it's some kind of formula... it's the same one he was trying to figure out back at the cafe..." L mumbled.

"I don't understand any of it, math isn't my thing" you sighed.

"He'll fit in back at the orphanage that's for sure" Watari added.

Boy seemed stuck on the last part, as he kept re-drawing the same equation and getting stuck in the same spot.

"I can't make it out... maybe it's just because he's drawing it in the dirt and not on paper or maybe he's missing a step..." L commented.

Hearing the van door open behind you and Maki jump out, you turned to face her.

"Ta-da! I'm officially a boy!" She said.

She was right, he did pull it off. This plan might just work.

"Well done, it looks convincing" you said.

"All thanks to my hat. Bet you're glad I asked for it now huh?" She replied.

"It's definitely convenient" L added.

You picked up boy, who didn't seem to mind leaving his math behind. Heading back toward the van to make a move, and hide him and yourself under all the bags and supplies. The others followed back into the van in different spots from before, making the illusion of a normal family on a trip to the mountains. You closed the door behind you and climbed into the back with boy, telling the others your thoughts.

"Alright let's get this show in the road. We can't waste any time"

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt