Chapter 9 | a day out

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You wandered down the streets on your way to the arcade. L was always full of good ideas so this day out could definitely be a big help for the both of you.

Although there as a little problem, shops wouldn't let you in if you were wearing the handcuffs. They saw it as suspicious.

"I know what we can do" you said.

"What?" L replied.

"Unless we need both hands, let's just hold hands the whole day until we can get back and put the handcuffs back on"

"I suppose that could work, that way we'd be let into places"

You hadn't bought the key, but you had a hair clip. You slid the clip into the lock and pulled the cuffs off, putting them in your pocket.

"As soon as we head back we'll put them on again" you said.

"Alright, remember this day is to have fun with each other and take note of any new emotions" L said.

"Got it"

You grabbed his hand and locked your fingers with his, pulling him down the street into the arcade.

"D-do you feel it?" He asked.

You knew was he meant.

"Yeah... but let's just play some games and heft back to it later"

You walked over to a claw machine and put in a dollar.

"Those are rigged" L said.

"Not if I'm dealing with it"

You moved the claw over a bunny, adjusting it ever so slightly and hitting the button to pick it up. To L's surprise, you go it. In one go, you got it.

"Told you" you said, pulling it out of the prize slot.


"Magic, I have a way with these"

L looked around and saw a racing game that could be worth a shot.

"Over here"

He pulled you over by the hand and you jumped straight into a game.

L won everything, he was always good at everything. You were determined to beat him this time, you began to race and the whole way you were neck and neck... until L used a power up in the final stretch and won.


"I win"

You gave him a playful glare.


"You're on"

And so you raced again, only to lose... again.

Next, you decided to play air hockey, you weren't losing this one.

"The one with the most points when the game ends wins, the loser has to buy them an ice cream" L said.


You each grabbed one of those things used to whack the puck and started the game.

"3, 2, 1, GO!"

You both dove for the puck and it launched into the side of the table.

You tried to smack it into L's goal but he hit it back.

The game got a bit aggressive, the both of you were diving over the table every two seconds to try and win.

"Last minute before the game turns off! I'm winning this!" You said.

"You sure about that?"

L smashed the puck into your goal and you honestly felt so betrayed.

"Oh it's fucking on!"

You pulled it out of the little slot and put it on the table, slamming it as fast as you cold at his goal. He blocked it by you hit it off the side of the table and it went it in the last second.

"Take that!" You said.

"Well, it's a draw then" L replied.

"I guess we jut buy our own ice creams"

"Alright, let's head there before we have to get back"

You turned to leave and just so happened to run into A and B.

"Oh, hey guys" you said.

"Aren't you meant to be in class?" L said.

"It ended" B said.

Oops, you've been playing games for a long time. You were having to much fun to notice.

"You two heading back?"

"Getting ice cream, then heading back" you said.

"Ok, have fun guys" B said.

You both went to go your separate ways but pulled an back for a second.

"Is A ok? He didn't speak and he looks sad"

"I think he's just having a bad day, I don't know what's wrong"

"Oh, ok. Cheer him up for me"

"Don't worry I will"

You caught up with L and grabbed his hand, taking him by surprise.

"Wait- ohhh the handcuff thing ok... what you say to B?" He asked.

"Just asked what's up with A, B just things he's having a bad day or something" you explained.

"Oh, he has been a little gloomy lately"

"He's just a ball of anxiety. I'm sure B will cheer him up"

You reached the ice cream place and got your food. You got a (f/f) cone and L being L got a massive sundae.

You sat at a table outside and talked as you ate your food.

"So, any new feelings?" You asked.

"Not really, that unknown one is still there but other than that I've just been experiencing the sensation of fun" L said.

"Same. That unknown one is bugging me so much"

"Me too, I feel like the more time we spend together, the stronger it gets"

"Exactly, if we could just figure out what it was we could figure out everything else"

Whatever the feeling was, it was just getting stronger and stronger. You were so lost as to what it could be though. You finished up your ice creams and began the head back home hand in hand.

"Before we put the cuffs back on, can I take a shower? I feel all sweaty" you asked.

"Sure, I should probably take one too now that there's no cases in the way" L replied.

You made it back to the orphanage and you kicked off your shoes at the door, wandering back down the halls to your room.

Before you turned to take a shower you grabbed both of L's hands and made him face you.

"I had fun, let's do it again" you said.

"I quite enjoyed that too... when we're not doing cases let's to that more often" he replied.

It was silent for a moment.

"You know... I have a lot of stuffed animals... here"

You held the bunny you won out for L and you saw his cheeks go a little red as he took it.


"I don't give you enough stuff, consider it a present. I'll see you in a bit I'm taking a shower"

You tuned and continued down the hall. Maybe you could also use this time to update your case file.

As you turned into your room to get your stuff, looked back at L to find him holding the bunny close to his chest, like it meant a lot to him.


Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon