Chapter 55 | confront

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This case was moving fast, in a matter of days after landing in Japan you've ended up with two children in your care and suspects god knows where after attacking the lab Makis dad worked at.

Your intention for today was to try and track them down, but it didn't seem that was necessary as they'd found you first. Likely due to tracking maki's phone.

"(Y/n), (y/n) wake up-"

You came into reality, picking up your head to find you'd passed out on the sofa last night before making it to bed.

"Hm? What's going on?" You mumbled.

"Kujo" L said, turning the security camera screen to you.

She was HERE? You had practically no time to wake up properly when you heard the intercom buzz and Kujo speak into it. Your Japanese was a bit rusty, but you could make it out.

"I'm here for maki" she spoke from the other end of the intercom.

"Dr Kujo, you found us" L spoke back.

"Indeed I have... L"

L's eyes practically popped out if his head hearing that. How did she figure it out?

"Don't go thinking you're off the hook Kujo, I know who you are and what you've done" he said into the mic.

This wasn't good, and L knew it. He gestures for Watari to be ready to make an escape, and he headed right for the back passage to ready the getaway vehicle. You would have preferred a sleeker car but no... L made it a food truck of course, crepes in particular. Spotting armed men approach behind Kujo, you didn't have I have time to react.

"Maki has the needle containing the virus, if you don't hand her and the needle over-" Kujo threatened, but was cut off by L.

"I don't think so, we need that for an antidote. Your terrorist ideology won't get past us"

Still in your pyjamas, you picked up boy and grabbed maki by the hand ushering them out the back way to get to the getaway car. This was quickly turning south.

"Fine then, I'll force it from you" Kujo snarled.


It fell silent, Maki speaking up.

"If it's me you want, take me!" She exclaimed, wriggling from your grip and rushing out the door.

"MAKI!" You called after her.

Both you and L scrambled after her and once you were in the halls, you were met with a stand off, maki holding the needle up to her neck and threatening to inject herself. She wanted to keep you and L out of his by letting them take her, but didn't want them to have the needle.

"Maki, that's not a wise decision-" you tried to intervene.

With tears down her cheeks, she glared daggers at Kujo.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? I trusted you, we all trusted you. I'm never going to get my dad back because of you! I lost my mum and them you take my dad! HOW COULD YOU I TRUSTED YOU! You can take me but you'll never have the antidote!"

Without that virus in the needle, an antidote would be ten times harder to make. And before you could stop her, maki stabbed the needle into her neck.

Kujo made the gunmen hold their fire and launched at her trying to get her to stop, but L wasn't having any of it. He grabbed maki first, ripping the now empty needle from her grip and the chase was on. Dragging a hysteric maki away the four of you were quickly perused by Kujo and the gunmen, but unbeknownst to them there were secret passages in this building.

L's idea of course.

Rushing through one of them you made it to the getaway truck where you scrambled into the back and thanks to Watari in the drivers seat, you were off.

What the fuck just happened? You weren't even out of your pyjamas yet.

Maki injecting herself was a double edged sword, it made sure blue ship didn't have the virus. But now she was infected, it was only a small dose nor enough to kill her immediately, but now you had to work fast before it grew and spread and became contagious. Now the key to the antidote was her. Her blood.

If blue ship wanted their plan to work, they needed maki. You and L weren't letting that happen.

"Oh my god-" you puffed.

"We need to find the doctor makis dad wrote his book with, he'll know how to make an antidote" L puffed.

"I've looked him up, he's all the way out in the countryside of Japan. It'll take days to get there. I've contacted agent Suruga, and we'll be meeting with him-"

Before Watari could finish, in the rear view mirror the cars of the blue ship agents were breaking road rules to try and catch up with you. This was a car chase now. You looked out the window and sure enough, they were catching up.

"Fuuu-" You began, cutting yourself off when you remembered the children in the truck with you.

"Ok new plan, get us far away enough we can jump out without being spotted. You loose them and swap cars to not draw any suspension. We'll take the kids, get them away from here just in case they do catch up. You're a trained sniper, I trust you can handle yourself. We'll meet up with you and suruga as soon as possible" L explained.

"Sounds like a plan" Watari replied.

"One more thing. Maki-"

Maki looked up at L, tears still in her eyes. L took her flip phone off her and snapped it in half.

"I'm sorry I'll buy you a new one. They're tracking us with it"

She didn't really appreciate the phone her dad gave her being snapped, but she understood why. At least she could keep the broken parts.

You just wanted to sleep on a bit, and now you were in a car chase and any minute now would be jumping out of the truck and making a run for it. Looks like you'll be walking around Japan in your pyjamas for a while...

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