Prom // pref #29

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[[so i was watching hindsight, which is a gr9 tv show, and lolly told kevin she liked him in this rlly cute way and i was like "wOAH MAKING THIS A PREF RN" so im turning it into a prom pref. lets throw everything back a few years, theyre all in high school again; hope you enjoy]]

[[naturally im making andys the lolly one just bc im stubborn and crave cute andy prefs]]

[[also, sorry if you watch hindsight and you havent seen the latest episode. kind of spoiled it]]


"Hey, y/n. I need to ask you something." Patrick walked up to you smiling.

"Should I be worried?" you asked suspiciously. He laughed and shook his head.

"No, unless you don't feel the way I do."

"How do you feel?" his face turned a bright red and he slid his hands into his pockets.

"Well, uhm," his cool exterior disappeared completely, as did his smile, "you're really smart and pretty and you have a great personality. And I really like you. Would you like to go to prom with me?" you were shocked. You had never thought Patrick had felt that way about you.

"Yeah! I'd love to." his grin returned.

"I'm glad, I thought you'd reject me."

"How could I reject you, Patrick? You're amazing. I'm glad you asked me." you said, causing his face to return to a shade of red.


You were standing at your locker, gathering your books together to leave school, when you felt a hand slam on the locker beside yours.

"Hey, you're hot. Wanna go to prom with me?" you looked over and saw Sawyer. He was your stereotypical popular male. Good-looking, nice jawline, quarterback of the football team, dated every girl in school. Of course, if he's all that, you should've been begging him to ask you. But you, unlike the other girls, had realized he was a total jerk.

"No, thanks. Go ask out one of your blonde friends." you pointed behind him, right at a bunch of girls that were giggling and smiling at Sawyer.

"But I don't like them, I like you." he said. You actually laughed.

"I bet every other girl here has heard that sentence from you at least once. I'm good, Sawyer." you started to walk away but he grabbed your arm tightly.

"Listen, every other girl at this school wants to go out with me. I don't know why you don't, but you're going to, whether you like it or not, princess." he said forcefully.

"Leave her alone," a boy walked up to the two of you. "If she doesn't want to go with you, don't make her."

Sawyer stared at the boy, giving you time to pull your arm free. The boy smiled at you. After he threatened Sawyer a few times, Sawyer walked away.

"Thanks," you said, starting to walk away.

"Wait! I mean, uh, no problem. Can I walk with you? I live next door to you so we'll be going the same way."

"Sure," you agreed.

"I'm Pete, by the way." he said as the two of you left the school.

"Y/n." you grinned.

"I know. You're in my gym and language arts classes. You're way too smart." Pete complimented you.

"Oh, yeah! You sit with Joe and Andy and that other guy at lunch!" you exclaimed.

"Patrick. Yeah, that's me. So, I was wondering.." you looked up at Pete and saw him blushing. He took a deep breath. "I've liked you for awhile and, uhm, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the dance with me? I promise I won't do what Sawyer did if you say no."

"While that thought is reassuring, you wouldn't have to react the way he did anyways. Because I'd love to go with you." Pete blushed once more, then smiled.

"Great!" he said. You two continued walking home, planning your prom date.

[[sorry that pete's is so cliché and stereotypical]]


[[i know andy's vegan; but i researched this and they do have vegan food at chinese restaurants and for the sake of the pref, lets just pretend its an all vegan chinese restaurant]]

"Hey, y/n, wanna go try out the new Chinese restaurant up the street?" Andy asked you as he walked up. You were standing outside of the school, which was near a shopping center. They had just opened a new restaurant and Andy was dying to try it.

"Sure. Is it vegan though?" he nodded. You two walked down the street to the restaurant, which wasn't that far.

Once you got there and ordered your food, a waitress walked by and set down a bowl of fortune cookies. You thanked her and opened one. Andy did the same.

"What does yours say?" you asked him.

"It says 'I really like you and I've liked you for a long time. Would you like to go to prom with me?'" Andy blushed slightly while you sat there in silence.


It took you a few moments to register what he meant but you regained focus quickly. "Weird. I think ours might be meant for each other or something. Mine says 'yes, of course.'" you laughed and grinned at him.

"Wait, really? You'll go to prom with me?" you nodded and giggled at his enthusiasm. You spent the rest of the date planning the night.


"Y/n! Joe has to ask you something!" Patrick said, panting from trying to catch up to you.

"Where is he?" you asked him.

"In the gym! I gotta go, but please don't hurt him or anything!" Patrick shot off again and soon was out of sight. You were used to the boys being mysterious, so you didn't think much of it.

You walked to the gym, saying hi to a few of your friends in the halls. "Good luck!" one of them called out as you passed them. You were starting to get suspicious.

"Joe?" you called out as you walked into the gym. It was dark so you could barely see anything. Then, the lights turned on. In the middle of the gym, Joe was holding a huge white plush teddy bear. There were red rose petals everywhere on the floor of the gym.

"Hey, y/n," he said smiling. You walked closer to him.

"What is all this?" you asked curiously. Joe handed you the teddy bear and blushed.

The plush teddy bear was holding a heart and written on the heart in gold letters were, "I'd be beary happy if you'd go to prom with me."

You laughed at the pun. Joe really knew how to get you to say yes; you were a sucker for puns.

"I'd be beary happy to go with you." you smiled at him, causing him to laugh.

[[im actually super sad rn bc i know im never going to meet bastille or fall out boy so im sorry this is such a sucky pref]]

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