He Gets Jealous // pref #13

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Patrick: "Whoa!" a guy walked past you and wolf-whistled. Patrick had been coming out of the bathroom as he heard the man. His face instantly became red and he balled his fist up.

"Back off. She's mine. Only mine." the guy looked at Patrick in surprise. The other male was at least five full inches taller than Patrick, yet he stood his ground.

"Okay. I'm sorry." the other guy trailed off and started to sprint away.

"You're mine." Patrick kissed your cheek softly and smiled. "Only mine. I love you."

Pete: "Come let me buy you a drink!" Pete had taken you to a bar and the whole time, he'd been watching the other men carefully but when he had left the bar to go talk to his manager on the phone, some guys had started hitting on you.

"God! You're hot!" a drunk guy breathed into my face, his breath smelling of liquor. Another guy nodded, agreeing with the first one.

"Get away from my girlfriend. She has me, she doesn't need some drunk idiots." Pete walked up, wrapped his arm around you waist, and kissed you roughly.

"Sorry. I just need to make sure they know not to mess with you, or me." you smiled at your boyfriend, glad he had came back when he had.

Andy: "If you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple!" a male fan from the crowd yelled.

"Uhm, thank you?" you muttered. Andy frowned.

"Only I can use cheesy pickup lines on you." he glared into the crowd. You nodded and he walked into the crowd.

"Who just said that pickup line to y/n?" a random boy said he did and Andy glared at him, furiously. "Do it again. Go ahead. Hit on my girlfriend. One more time. I'll beat the sh*t out of you." if looks could kill, that kid would be dead. Andy walked up to you, wrapped his fingers around yours, and walked you backstage. "I love you." he said to you, quietly.

"I love you too."

[dang andy u dont play. relationship goals, man]

Joe: "Are you single?" a guy had commented on one of your instagram pictures, not knowing who you were. You ignored the comment, but Joe hadn't.

A fan had tagged him right below the comment and he saw it. Instantly, he typed a reply back.

@jtrohman: no, she's taken. by me. good luck getting her. bye.

(( pete posted a picture on instagram. do any of you have any guesses abt the new artist?? im clueless ))

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