Chapter 7

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A/N Dedicated to @emilystammers because she gives great wattpad recommendations and is as addicted to wattpad as me!

Leela's POV

When I wake up it's getting light outside and from what I can tell we are on the highway (motorway), heading in the direction of what I hope is New York City. When I go to stretch myself out, I am pleasantly surprised to find that I am no longer gagged or bound. Mr Portuguese must have pitied me and decided to release me. Well I think he was stupid. I've been underestimated yet again, just when I thought this guy understood it wasn't going to be easy to subdue me. Now that I am free my other side kicks into action. I'm no longer thinking like a caring doctor whose job is to save lives. I'm now thinking like someone who cares only for my life and potentially injuring someone else. If you didn't already realise, by the predicament I seem to be in, I'm an espionage agent. I prefer that term to the informal spy because I think it sounds more selective. Technically this side of me should have kicked in as soon as I woke up the first time but obviously the lack of sleep and the drugs running through my system made me lazy and complacent.

I begin to assess the car and all the possibilities at the moment. Mr Portuguese appears to be focused on the road ahead and hasn't realised I'm awake and therefore free. As we are travelling fairly early in the morning the roads are empty and there is little risk of injuring any civilians if I was to do anything overly drastic. I look around the car looking for Mr Portuguese's special box of drugs, they could be a great asset, or even a gun. Neither of these things are in my immediate sight and so I decide the old-fashioned way usually is the best way. I combine my medical training and my agency training to think of the best pressure points to cause unconsciousness, or at least temporary drowsiness to use some plain old force. I lean in towards the driver's seat and know exactly where to strike and from here I can see the car is in cruise control. This is a good thing because the car will not immediately spin out of control when Mr Portuguese gets a taste of his own medicine, albeit not as literally as I had hoped. When I go to render him unconscious I manage to do so with ease, but when I push him out of the way so I can get control of the vehicle I am stopped in my tracks due to sheer shock. Quickly regaining my senses, I find somewhere for me to pullover where I can move him into the passenger seat.

I strap him in and bind his hands and legs before looking at him. I mean really looking at him. The man in the passenger seat is not the same man who managed to send shivers down my spine. That man was downright creepy and not at all attractive, not to mention the fact that he was Portuguese. The man in front of me is not creepy. He is wildly attractive. And he most certainly is not Portuguese. No, the man in front of me is Indian. He is also my mystery man.

Mystery Man POV (A/N not revealing his name yet sorry)

Stupid woman... Stupid, stupid woman. Why did I even bother helping her! As if I needed the trouble caused by this stupid woman. I don't have the time to mess around. I helped her, got her away from those creeps and was bringing her home. Why did she think knocking me out and tying me up was a good idea! I don't even know why I bothered. For some reason this stupid woman's way of thanking her saviour is tying him up and attaching him to a drip. What the hell is in this drip! I try to pull on the rope she's used to refrain me from leaving. All things considered she knows which rope is strong and she knows how to tie a strong knot. But that leaves me stuck in what I think is her apartment, with some unknown substance entering my body until she decides to return.

After about 5 minutes I stop letting the anger against that stupid woman control and relax myself. That's when I start to notice the subtle sounds coming from elsewhere in what I'm presuming is an apartment. As I tune in more I can hear a shower running and before long I hear her voice. Her beautiful, melodic, hypnotising voice. Singing a beautiful song, which words I can't quite make out but I just know she's singing them perfectly. I can't stop myself from listening to her sing, it's intoxicating. Instead of doing something productive, I close my eyes and let myself be taken away by her voice. There's this quality to it which renders me helpless, this is the most relaxed I've been in years. I must have entered a dreamlike state because the next thing I know, she's walked into the room. She's changed out of her clothes from yesterday into an all black outfit, which fits her body perfectly. Her wet hair cascades over her shoulder as if it was a black waterfall and I find myself with an insatiable urge to run my hands through her hair. She walks pass me without a care and I am enveloped by her scent, fresh and crisp not at all like I imagined. Never before have I been this affected by woman, especially not one who ties me up. In order to get her attention, and regain some control over my body, I clear my throat. She looks me straight in the eyes and I realise its the first time I've been able to properly look at her face and take it in. As if I wasn't already under her spell, the allure of her face renders me speechless. Before I can find my words she snaps her face away from me and starts talking.

"Who are you, what do you want with me and what happened to Mr Portuguese?"

"Wait a minute, I'm the one tied down attached to a drip of who knows what I think I reserve the right to ask the questions first."

"Did you just hear yourself, you're the one tied up not me. That means I ask the questions. And stop being a drama queen, you're hooked up to some fluids because I didn't want to have you waking up in a few days rather than today and I didn't want you dehydrated and confused. I know what I'm doing, I have a medical degree so you'll be fine." She snapped at me, for some reason this only fueled my want for her. Her fiestiness was unbelievably attractive right now.

"You have a point and I know you're a doctor, you stupidly gave me that information in the elevator."

"Just answer the questions." This time her response came through gritted teeth.

"I am the man who saved you from those creeps, like I said I saved you and Mr Portugeuse is who exactly?"

"Mr Portuguese is one of the people that attempted to abduct me."

"Attempted? I think it's safe to say they suceeded. If you didn't hear me before I had to save you! Anyway, Mr Portugeuse is probably on his way back to where they were taking you, assuming they found him."

"You didn't answer my questions properly, what is your name and what do you actually want with me?"

"I told you, you only need to know me as your saviour, and I want nothing from you I just saved you."

"Saved me! Please I took you out, and I would have done the same to Mr Portuguese and the rest of those creeps."

"Are you being serious, you foolish woman. You stupid wom-" I was harshly stopped by her hand connecting with my cheek. The sheer force of the slap caught me by surprise and I soon felt some warm, fresh blood drip down my cheek. Obviously pissing off a woman with nails was not a good idea. When I looked up to glare at her, she had already gone leaving me by myself with a bloody cheek.

A/N I should probably either stop this book or update more because I don't update for like a month each time and it's so bad. This update may be awful but at least it's an update. I don't know :/ Also if you were reading this story from the beginning then you will know I changed the character's first name and subsequently the person who I think portray's her well. I've changed it from Jasmine to Leela and from being Lilly Singh (Superwoman on YouTube) to Deepika Padukone. They are both stunning women and great role models but I just found this change was necessary in my eyes. I'll link a picture of Deepika below. I'm also going to link a video of the song Nagada Sang Dhol in which Deepika does this amazing dance from the film Goliyon Ki Raasleela: Ram-Leela. This author's note is way too long sorry. :) Also you finally get to meet a new character- Mystery Guy and read things from someone else's perspective. Please comment, vote and feel free to private message me with suggestions and stuff. Hope you enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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