Chapter 21

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Peter lands on the pier.

Y/n lets go of Peter's neck as they both stare at Dr. Octopus's laboratory in front of them.

So this is it?

Yeah. Okay, what should our plan of attack be?

Well, he isn't expecting us. I say our best bet is to do what we did at the bank. I come in first and then you go in for the kill.

Alright. Let's do this. Also, nice to have you back, Parker.

Peter smiles.

They then start running towards the building.

They jump on the roof.

Peter jumps through a hole.

Y/n follows him.


They both land on a metal beam.

Peter crawls on the underside of it.

Y/n and Peter begin watching Dr. Octopus.

He is fiddling with his nuclear fusion machine.

Suddenly, it turns on and the building fills with yellow light.

Peter begins crawling down the wall.

Y/n then crawls across the beam and begins crawling down the wall on the other side.

Peter and y/n are both remaining in the shadows.

Peter sticks his head out to look at Doc Ock.

A shard of metal then lands right next to Peter's head.

Peter does a backflip and lands onto the ground.

Dr. Octopus has turned his attention towards Peter and begins walking over to him.

I should have known Osborn wouldn't have the spine to finish you!

Shut it down, Ock. You're gonna hurt a lot more people this time.

Well, that's a risk we're willing to take.

Peter looks at the cords going into the machine.

He then directs his attention back to Doc Ock.

Well, I'm not.

Peter leaps off the ground.

Dr. Octopus tries to grab him with his mechanical arms, but Peter shoots a web out of his wrists to block them.

The mechanical limbs go through the webs and grab Peter, pulling him away from the machine.

They hurl Peter out of the building.

Y/n suddenly comes out from the shadows.

She roundhouse kicks Dr. Octopus in the face.

He stumbles backwards.

She then runs up and tries to punch him, but one of his mechanical arms pushes her in the chest, making her fly backwards.

She hits the wall and groans.

A window suddenly shatters as Peter comes flying back in.

He flies through the air and hits Doc Ock in the face causing him to go through the floorboards of the building.

He lands in the water.

Y/n slowly stands up and makes her way over to the hole in the floor.

Peter is punching Dr. Octopus in the face.

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