Chapter 5

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It's the next night after Peter's birthday.

Y/n is sitting at a table writing her report on T.S. Eliot.

There are books about T.S. Eliot sitting next to her.

She hasn't gotten that far in the report.

She suddenly hears police sirens.

She gets up and walks over to the window.

She looks out and sees a car chase.

She looks at the clock, then at her paper, then back out the window.


She doesn't move from the window.

She then quickly goes over to the apartment door and opens it.

She shuts it behind her.


Y/n is jumping from building to building, trying to catch up to the car chase.

She has already taken off her normal clothes and left them in an alleyway by her apartment building, and is now wearing her superhero outfit.

She eventually catches up to the car chase and quickly climbs down the wall of a building.

The car that is being chased by police cars has two people inside of it, with the top down.

The passenger in the car shoots a gun and the bullet hits one of the police cars' headlights.

This makes the driver of the police car turn his car sideways.

Another police car suddenly runs into the sideways car.

Both cars continue driving with the police car that ran into the sideways car drifting to the right, which causes the car to hit some parked cars.

Y/n is running fast towards the car while it begins flying and rolling in the air.

It starts falling towards a group of people.


The people duck and cover their heads while the car flies towards them.

Before the car can land on the group of people, a web is shot out, which catches the car and holds it in midair.

Y/n stops running and looks at the web while panting.

It's a web.

Y/n smiles.

She starts turning around, but gets picked up and begins flying through the air.

Go, Spidey and Lizzy, go!

Y/n was picked up by Peter.

She now has her arms around his neck while he swings towards the criminals.

Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.


Um yeah. I thought you were going to see MJ's play?

I was, but duty calls. You know?

Yeah. I hear ya. Thank God you showed up. If you didn't I don't know what I'd do. I really needed you. Well, I needed your help. Not you personally. I mean, I did need you personally so I could get your help because you can't have one without the other.

Peter doesn't respond.

I'll stop talking now.

Peter chuckles.

Gunshots start going off and bullets suddenly start whizzing past Peter.

Peter swings down to be level with the car and shoots webs out of his wrist to temporarily blind the passenger and driver.

Peter then lands on the car.

Y/n lets go of Peter's neck.

Peter grabs y/n's waist while she kicks the guns out of the criminals hands with both of her legs.

Y/n then leans to the side while Peter shoots webs out of his wrists and pulls his arms up, causing the criminals to eject out of the car and get stuck hanging on an overhanging lamp post.

Y/n climbs in the passenger seat of the car while Peter climbs in the driver's seat.

I better get my clothes before I drive to the play. Imagine if I came in there wearing this?

I don't even think they would let you in like that. Not to mention, no one would be watching the play. They would all be staring at you.

Peter laughs.

Peter quickly drives to an alleyway and parks the car there while he puts his regular clothes on over his Spider-Man suit.

Y/n gets out of the car as Peter climbs in it.

Well, have fun at the play. See ya.

Thanks. See ya.

Peter begins driving away.

Give MJ my regards!

Will do!

Y/n stands there and watches Peter drive away.

She sighs and begins climbing the wall of a nearby building.

She then begins hopping from building to building to get back to her apartment building.

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