Chapter 1

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Disclaimer before I start: I do not own Spider-Man or any of the characters involved in it. I don't want to get sued for writing this:) Enjoy!

The opening credits appear over a series of images.

Narration begins with a view of a blank piece of paper.

I think about him all the time. Peter Parker. The only one who truly understands what I'm going through. He has to go through it too. We both made a choice once to live a life of responsibility. And we've had to make some tough choices because of it. Who are we? He's Spider-Man and I'm Lizard-Girl. Both of us given a job to do. And Peter Parker and me, y/n l/n, too, have jobs to do.

As the narration was happening, the view was slowly zooming out.


The view shows y/n in her apartment, sitting at a table, holding a pencil, and staring at the blank piece of paper.

She drops the pencil and sighs.

She then looks out the window.

She looks to the left of the window at the clock.

She notices what time it is and starts panicking.

She quickly goes into her room and opens her closet door.

She then exchanges her current clothes with her diner uniform.

She closes the closet door and hurries out of the apartment.


Y/n is rushing to the staircase when a door opens in front of her face.

A lady walks out from behind the door and shuts it.

She then crosses her arms and glares at y/n.

Going somewhere, Ms. l/n?

Yes, as a matter of fact. I have to get to my job. I'm in a bit of a hurry, so if you could just move.

Y/n tries to squeeze past the woman, Ms. Killford, but she doesn't budge.

Oh, well if you're going to your job then you have the rent money. Right?

Uh no. Not yet. But I'm getting paid today. So, I can give you the money today. But I just need to get through here and get to work and then you'll have that money.

Don't disappoint me, l/n.

I won't.

Y/n tries squeezing past Ms. Killford again.

This time, she moves over a little and y/n gets past her.

Y/n then begins walking briskly towards the staircase.

She begins going down the stairs as Ms. Killford shouts at her.

I'll be waiting for you!

Y/n keeps going down the stairs and eventually goes out the front doors of the apartment building.

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