A small announcement!

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Hello, it's me, the author! 

Some of you may have come from the school magazine or maybe you just searched this up on Wattpad. 

I understand you want to know the end of the story, but I have some other plans. 

That being said, I have plans to rewrite the story. I will still be keeping the original concept, characters and storyline, only thing is that I will make sure that in the rewrite, things will make much more sense and it will not be so serious. 

But then, what will happen to this book? Will you be privating it or taking it off Wattpad? 

No, I won't! I'm proud of this book, and I have no intention of taking it down! I'm still going to keep this book up so that anyone who comes from the school magazine will have a chance to find it. Also, I like this book so much I have no heart to get rid of it >w< 

Secondly, the last chapter will be the last for this version of this book. I won't be posting the other chapters I have already written as they have multiple grammar mistakes, multiple plot holes...yeah. You get the point. It's simply not ready yet, and I deeply apologise. 

And finally...what should we expect from the rewrite? 

Expect better character building, some cliffhangers (hopefully I'll be able to do so), a longer story*, detailed character backstories, and much more! I also plan to make official profiles with official art for the characters. I also plan for the story to put less emphasis on "Saving the World" and shed some light on more comical and light-hearted scenes.
*(the original initially ended at around 30 chapters, and I feel it's a bit too short. I plan for the rewrite to have at least 2000 words a chapter and at least 2 hours of reading time. It's going to be my first time writing a long story, so I hope I'm not pushing myself too hard!)

For those from the school magazine, I sadly have to leave you hanging. If you find this, I hope you enjoyed the story. I enjoyed writing this book and I hope you enjoyed reading it. 

When will the rewrite come out? 

I'm predicting around September-October. I need to finish the character art (Some characters are getting a total revamp), finish the storyboard...you get it. But I'll work hard so you guys can get the new story. 

When the new book comes out, I won't be deleting this story or hiding it. I'm leaving it here so you can read it whenever. When the new book comes out, I'll be linking it in the description so you can jump to it. 

And before I officially end this book, I would like to thank my parents, my friend from the School Editorial Board, Gray (cuteypuppy7449), and anyone who is reading this book. Thanks for the support, and I promise, the revamp will be better than this one. So look out for that! 

Best regards, 


Edit (17, July, 2021, 10:33 AM): Another thing I forgot to add: I am switching my writing softwares! I will be using Google Docs instead of Microsoft Word when I do my story-writing. This story is the last story I've written with MS Word. The simple reason...MS Word makes my poor potato laptop lag. The remake will be aided by Google Docs! 

Four Friends; A Forsaken World [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ