Chapter Nine: Knightly Valour

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Just as Kit was about to get attacked by the shadowy binds, he struck the figure with lightning. Puro and Faith fired with the strikes of blinding energy. Walls of Earth fired in a fury. And Lizzy tried to attack with a pole she'd found on the floor. At this point, the figure was furious, sending strikes of shadow. Faith and Puro got knocked to the floor, Jian managed to dodge but the debris hit her, Lizzy was knocked down, and Kit... just before he got struck...

"BEHIND YOU!" a voice yelled, as a teddy bear flew in the air. As it hit the figure, it exploded, the assailant's variant of Baron Bunny or something similar. Turning back, everyone gasped.

Everblaze was still standing.


The five travelers gasped. But Kit was the happiest of all.

"Everblaze!" Kit gasped, reattaching his talisman. "You're okay!"

"Yeah. I'm not called a Knight of Flame for nothing!" Everblaze grinned.

As she unsheathed her sword, she decided to fight not just to get the sword back, but also the Prism and to defend the people she met. With a burning glint in her eyes, she knew what to do.

"Kit, fire at her with electricity! From my experience, fire and electricity causes a huge explosion!" Everblaze ordered.

"Everblaze, this isn't Genshin Impact!" Faith yelled. Regardless of Faith's growl, Kit proceeded to fire some jolts of electricity. And as the Fire Elf struck the figure with fire, her prediction was correct. Firework-like explosions resounded. And while the figure was distracted, the Knight got her hands on the Sword of Valor.

As she held it up to the sky, she felt its steady, equal weight, but also a begging for bloodlust, a beckoning of flame, a desire to burn. The blade seemed to be dipped in gold and the hilt was a blazing crimson. Knowing time was tight, the Fire Elf lunged forward with the skills she learnt. With a joint effort, the figure dropped the Prism as Puro caught it in her hands in a heart-stopping moment. The crowd went wild.

"Alright! Time to finish this!" Faith cheered.

Explosions and energy blasts resounded. Everyone, even Lizzy, was doing their best to, at least, knock the figure out. And in the blink of an eye, Everblaze swooped in, and finished her off in the blink of an eye.

"Hah! That's Skyward Sword for ya!" Everblaze smiled smugly, as soon as the cloaked figure was on the floor, reminding Everblaze of an Abyss Mage that had their shield killed. Cuffing the figure with handcuffs, she pointed the edge of her weapon at the figure, she was ready to slice her head off or something. Or put her into a fate worse than death. Either was fine.

"I'll be back!" The figure yelled, staggering.

"Don't move!" Everblaze ordered. "You are under arrest in the name of the Knights of Flame!"

The figure scoffed. "The Knights of Flame? More like the incompetent Knights of Favonius."

In a jaw-dropping moment, the figure broke her restraints and teleported away in a flash of black smoke. But one thing was certain; although the criminal got away, the Prism and the Sword of Valor were safe.


After what had happened, the six of them were escorted to the Palace itself. Standing in the throne room, the Princess heard their story.

"Very well done, Everblaze." The Princess praised, after hearing what happened. "But this has come at a price. Sadly, you won't be getting your 'cookie'."

"What?!" Everblaze said.

"What cookie?" Puro asked, standing next to Faith.

"Eh, a way of getting more salary." Everblaze explained. Because she felt the stares of the other children, she sighed. "My brother is using a ton of electricity at home watching tentacle girls. And because of that, our electricity bill might be the largest in Ignis."

"Do you want me to cut your brother's Wi-Fi access instead?" The Princess asked.

"HELL YEAH!" Everblaze cheered. Everyone else face palmed.

"But nonetheless, you've gotten a triple-chocolate cookie." The Princess said. "As of now, I've made a decision. You will still be under the Knights of Flame, just that you will have more freedom. Oh, and you're with the travelers now, if you want to be with them."

"Um..." the Knight looked at the travelers. "I'll join them, but as an official assignment."

"Very well." The Princess smiled. "Thank you for your service, Everblaze Sparkstorm."


As the six children sat in a busy restaurant for dinner, the team decided to contemplate their next move. The busy crowd's chatter seemed to drown out everything else. The food, mostly steaks with mashed potatoes and peas, smelt like heaven. Before the food even arrived, Lizzy settled on calling the team 'Team Rainbow', especially since everyone's experiences were different, like the colours in a rainbow. And this was met with high approval, surprisingly.

"So, what do we do now?" Lizzy asked, taking a bite, "The train lines are messed up."

"We just follow." Puro replied. "We're heading to Avulsio, the City of Water Nymphs. The Empress there needs our help. Best we arrive by tomorrow."

"And here we go, wasting our train credits." Faith sighed. "Honestly, how much have we spent...ON TRAIN TICKETS?!"

"We aren't going to need the train this time round." Everblaze said. "Mainly because we're going to have a carriage." 


Here's the double update. yay. 

Sorry if it's short, I promise the next chapter will be longer! 

So yeah. See you next Sunday! 

Oh, and I might be updating more often. Online classes are a thing again. 

Four Friends; A Forsaken World [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now