chp. 10 - skipping class

Start from the beginning

"Wanna skip?"

"The sub is right there how would we do that?" Malia replied blankly.

"The door in the back is open, we just crouch down and sneak right out-" he looked at Malia not seeming totally convinced, "besides hes looking the other direction anyways."

"Listen-" Malia began but was cut off by Hawk, he grabbed her hand.

"Come on Mal, it will be fine, live a little."

Although she wasn't entirely convinced leaving in the middle of the class was a good idea, she couldn't resist him.

"Ok." She nodded firmly.

"Great," he said excitedly still keeping his voice down.

The two grabbed their backpacks and slowly slipped out of their chairs, watching to make sure the sub didn't see, they crouched low and quickly speed walked to the back door, which wasn't too far from their seats. They stood out in the hallway leaning against the lockers containing their laughs, not wanting to be heard and caught. "I can't believe he didn't see us," Malia giggle whispered.

"Not gonna lie I didn't entirely think that was gonna work," he told her.


"What?" He said smiling at her.

Malia grabbed his hand and they walked down the hallway playfully swinging their arms.

They ended up just roaming the halls talking for almost the rest of the class period, they stopped by Miguel and Demetri's class and waved at them through the door. Actually Malia waved at them while Hawk made gestures with his hands.

Near the end of the class period they were at the main landing by the stairs slowing down.

"Do you remember that night after the Halloween dance?" Malia asked Hawk, sitting down on one of the stairs.

He sat down next to her, "yea, why?"

"That was probably one of the best nights of my life," Malia laughed.

Hawk looked genuinely surprised, "really? I thought you hated that night."

"What? Why would I hate that night?"

"I thought you were mad at me and Demetri for making you leave the dance." He told her.

"What? I mean at first I was but ah," Malia laughed putting her hand on her forehead, "do you remember at the diner when you-" she paused not knowing if she should continue then decided fuck it, "when you danced with me?"

Hawk stared at her deeply.

"Of course I remember that," he says uncharacteristically quiet.

"That was the best," Malia breathed out.

"Why? I was a nerd." He said getting real cocky again, staring off the other direction. Malia not sure how he could always change his tone so quick replied, "I didn't think you were a nerd."

"What?" He looked at her again.

"I never thought you were a nerd."

"How? I was a freak."

"No you weren't, you never were. At least not to me."

He scoffed.

"Shut up, like you never thought I was one" He took a sip from his water bottle.

"I didn't, ever."

He just gave her a glare.

"Listen to me, there was nothing wrong with you, I'm surprised you haven't realized it even now,"

"E, I thought you were perfect." His expression softened.

"Listen Mal, I'm sor-"

"No. Its fine. But I'm serious, I really do want you to know, I never ever thought you were a freak." She paused, and finished, "Eli your amazing and always have been." The two friends didn't normally get serious like this, especially Malia. It was weird, having been best friends a majority of their lives, they didn't get serious like this about eachother alot, about other things sure but not like this surprisingly.

He looked at her, an expression unreadable to Malia. They were sitting very close, somehow having gotten closer to eachother during their conversation. The two gazed at eachother, faces not too far apart, Malia waiting for him to respond, instead he glanced down at her lips. Their heads instinctively grew closer, Hawk leaning in.

All of a sudden the bell rang.

The two immediately pulled away as if nothing happened, grabbing their stuff as teens filed out of the halls.

"I uh gotta go to art, I'll see you later." Malia said awkwardly facing him holding her backpack.

"Yea I'll uh see you later." He said awkwardly as kids began to walk by them.

"See ya." Was all Malia could get out, speed walking away.

What the hell just happened? Her insides were screaming while her outsides looked mildly anxious. Were they about to kiss? Scratch that she thought. They were about to kiss.

Malia sat at the movies in between Hawk and Aisha, however she had hardly talked to Hawk feeling awkward from the near kiss recently. However she pretended to watch the movie although her mind was on him. She ate popcorn while he threw it at people.

She was wearing a tshirt and jeans (outfit on right).

"Hey, what's wrong?" Aisha asked Miguel, Malia turning to listen.

"I can't stop thinking about what sensei told me about Sam's dad."

"So Sensei and Sam's dad had some beef. What's that have to do with you?"

"Yea Miguel, your a nice guy, he has no reason not to like you." Malia added.

Hawk continued tossing popcorn at a woman in front of them. Her looking back annoyed.

"Do I have to spell it out for you two? Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai. I'm a part of Cobra Kai. So by the transitive property, Sam's dad is gonna hate me."

"Jesus Christ your such a nerd." Hawk says.

"I'm telling you it's not just on my mind. Sam was acting weird the other day when her dad walked by."

"Listen, I've known Mr. Laruso since third grade. He's a really nice guy, you just have to talk to him." Aisha tells Miguel. Hawk continues tossing popcorn at people.

Miguel scoffs, "I haven't even been invited over yet. She's probably to afraid to introduce me."

"Dude just go over there. It's a alpha move." Hawk adds smugly.

Malia scoffed, "when have you ever made an 'alpha move?'" She mumbled.

He glanced at her, not hearing what she said and tossed another piece of popcorn, not really paying attention.

It hit a man up front, he stood up seeming angry. "Who the hell did that?"

Hawk quickly faced forward wrapping his arm around Malia.

Sniffing the air, she turned to him, "are you wearing cologne?"

A/N- sorry this is a short chapter and it was mainly malia/hawk. I'm trying to build their chemistry as much as they can, and since we only see from her POV I needed to show some things that would make him fall for her (ex. when they were sitting on the stairs). This chapter for some reason was literally so hard to write, I have no idea why. The next chapter will probably be pretty long so I would look forward to that, and some other things that might happen ;) anyways thanks for sticking through!

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