chp. 10 - skipping class

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Malia's life now consisted of mainly school and karate, and hanging out with friends. She currently sat in English bored playing with her pencil. Adjusting her skirt (outfit on left) in her seat she grunted. Yesterday at karate they went to the junkyard to train and Malia was still sore. She flashed back to destroying car windows aggressively and softly smiled, oh how wonderful of a way to get out her anger. She then thought back to helping Hawk bandage his arm from getting bit by one of the dogs Johnny released on them. Thanks sensei.

Hawk winced. The two currently sat in Malia's bathroom rather than his because he didn't want his mom to see he was hurt. Malia volunteered to help bandage the wound honestly not thinking he could handle doing it himself. Malia wiped at the wound again with rubbing alcohol. He clenched his free hand on the edge of the counter. For some reason his shirt was off, Malia wasn't complaining. He could have pulled his sleeve up but she was pretty sure he was trying to flex, but like she said shes not complaining. As she dabbed at the last spot she asked, "do you think you have rabies?" Hawk scoffed clenching his jaw, "sensei said they were his friends dogs so they are 'most likely' vaccinated." Malia examined him, she was pretty sure he would be acting rabid by now so she told him, "I'm sure your fine, if you had rabies you would be dead by now." She wasn't sure if that was true but if it made him feel better it didn't matter, she doubt he had it anyways, "thanks Mal, really inspiring." Malia grabbed some gause and using medical tape she secured it all around his arm. "K, all done." Malia stood up and fake dusted off her hands. "Thanks Mal," she began putting the stuff away while he checked himself out in the mirror, feeling awkward watching she pretended she was doing more than she actually had to. She glanced back at him looking at his tattoo then caught his eye, "what? Couldn't resist the Hawk?" Malia scoffed, "ok 'hawk.'" He looked at her his expression softening, "did you know I used to be shy around you?" Malia laughed, immediately shutting her mouth realizing he was serious, he stared at her blankly. "I mean yea you were always shy." He shook his head grabbing his shirt. "No, I mean, I was scared you would think I was just this weird kid with the lip, I was really insecure around you." Malia not expecting that felt saddened also feeling like she was in a awkward position. "Why did you feel like that?" He laughed, "your my best friend and a pretty girl, all I wanted was for you to think I was cool," he paused then continued, "and the fact everyone called me a freak everyday." Malia knew the situation was now switched, he was her best friend, a hot guy, and all she wanted was for him to think she was cool. She felt bad though, she wished she would have known that before, not knowing how it could have made things differnt but she wished she had known. "Well trust me I never thought you were just the weird kid with the lip" Malia says reassuringly letting out a laugh. "Well what did you think?" He asked in a flirtatious tone. "Hmm I thought you were cute." Malia turned and washed her hands unable to believe she said that. "You thought I was cute?" He questioned sitting back up on her counter. "Yea. Yea I did." Malia smiled. "Well," Hawk put his shirt on as the two walked out of the bathroom, "I thought you were cute too."

Malia zoning back into class, the sub having turned on some long video on the board. She turned to her right to see Moon doodling in her notebook, about to talk to her, she felt a tap on her right shoulder. She turned to see Hawk looking at her eagerly, "what?" She whispered.

𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆 | 𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐢Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu