Chapter 1

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AN: So some of you may know me from my fantasy series Once Upon A Dream and I will be continuing that but I wanted to do something like this. This idea has been in my head for years, ever since I started watching Teen Wolf. I always thought to myself 'what would have happened if I put my own character in Teen Wolf?', so here it is! Also this will be taking place in season 3b. (For those who watch it on hulu it is just after the Nemiton sacrifice)
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Scott's POV

"Mom I already have so much on my plate, and now I have to watch Bella?" I say stubbornly.

"Scott, she is your cousin! You guys used to always play together remember?" She says grabbing her keys to head to work.

"Yeah but that was when I was 8!" I tell her, shoving food I into my mouth. I'm going to be late to school... again.

"Just... be nice. Who know she might not even need your help on making friends?" Mom says before giving me a kiss on the cheek and biding her goodbyes.

I look at the clock and grab my book bag, realizing that I only have 7 minutes to get to school.

I get on my bike and try not to speed to much as I head to school.

I park my bike and take off my helmet. In the reflection of the helmet I see my eyes start to glow red.

Looking around frantically to see if anyone noticed, I blink to get them to stop. I look back at the reflection and see that they are back to normal.


I shrug it off and start to walk towards  the school. As I walk I notice my shadow transforming into the beast I am. I start to run slightly up the stairs until my body collides with another.

"Hey hey. You alright?" Stiles, my bestfriend, asks with a concerned look in his eyes.

I nod, breathing shakily.

"You sure, because you don't look alright Scott?" Stiles says doubting my anwser.

"I'm ok." I breath out.

"No you're not. It's happening to you to. You're seeing things aren't you?" He says, I can see the fear in his eyes.

I look at him confused. "How did you know?"

Stiles moves out of the way and I can see Lydia and Allison behind him.

"Because it is happening to all three of you." Lydia answers.

I look at Stiles, what is happening to him? We all walk into the school.

As Lydia walks into the school she starts to ramble. "Well, well, look who isn't the crazy one!"

"We aren't crazy!" Allison blurts out.

"Hallucinating... sleep paralysis... yeah you guys are fine." Lydia says sarcastically.

I look at them all. "We did die, and come back to life. It's gotta have some side effects right?"

The bell sounds and people start to head to class.

"Let's all look out for each other, ok?" Stiles says, rubbing his hands together. "Lydia." He says pointing at her. "Stop enjoying this so much!"

Lydia tilts her head, as if thinking about it. "What?"

I follow Stiles into class, and sit next to him, like always, as our new teacher walks in.

"Morning everyone! My name is Mr. Yukimura. I will he taking over as your new history teacher. My family and I moved her 3 weeks ago. I am sure my now you all know my daughter, Kira." He says looking at the back of the room. "Or you might not, because she has never actually mentioned anyone from school, or brought home a friend for that matter."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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