Chapter 2

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A shimmer of cold breeze blew across her face as her hair danced along to its tone.
Right before her is a garden filled with wonders and beauty, flowers of different kinds surround her and the chirping sounds of birds sounded like music to her ears. Mesmerized by the beauty before her, Maria walked further with a smile on her face as she glances around in delight.

The fruits on the trees were so enticing and pleasant to eat. Touching it as she walked wondering where she is.

"Is this heaven?" She asked herself touching the beautiful flowers. A bird flew across her and rested gently on her shoulder. Replenished with charm, she carefully carried it in her palm adoring its lovely feathers, "Aren't you such an outstanding creature" she retorted filled with smiles.

Suddenly, the bird's beautiful features began to turn black as dark. With shock in her eyes, she watched as the bird slowly turned to a raven filled with nothing but darkness.

Shocked by the sight, she threw it as it flew away scrawling to its mates as other birds around began to change to their real form.

Maria looked around as she dilated her eyes in shock. The beautiful flowers around her began to suddenly dry off turning into dust. The trees collapsed disappearing into thin air.

She gazed forward and saw thick black dust approaching her, it was so thick that she couldn't see through it. She began to run searching for a way out but couldn't find any.
Looking up, the sky suddenly turns red as blood and the sun began to wither and crumble down on earth.

Screaming she ran more holding her rosary as beads of sweats formed on her forehead.
"Hail Mary" she whispered kissing the crucifix of her rosary as she ran. Immediately, the ground before her began to divide into two. With eyes filled with terror, she ran backward but notice that the thick black dust was approaching her fierce, without caution.
Not knowing where to run to as she was caught in-between, The ground by her side began to bring forth liquid of blazing fire.

Closing her eyes, as she waits to be devoured, holding on to her rosary, she covered her face, with fear, she screamed.....

"Maria, Maria!" A voice called out shaking her violently. Opening her eyes, she saw Catherine looking at her with concern.

Maria sat up quickly on her bed looking around with panic as her hands cling tightly to her rosary. Her eyes shone around with her trembling lips. She turned her gaze to Catherine who looked confused and scared.

"Another nightmare again," Catherine asked raising an eyebrow.

Covering her face with her hands, she inhaled deeply. She looked at her stand clock beside her bed realizing it's midnight already.
Getting up, she took her veil, wore it covering her hair. Taking out her outer cloak, she wore it immediately.

"Where are you going to Maria?" Catherine asked staring at her.

Turning her gaze to her roommate, Maria managed to smile, pat her shoulder with care, "I will be fine, I have to go to the chapel now" she uttered leaving her room as she began to pray silently touching each bead of her rosary.

As she walked along the dark passage hall. She heard whispers but wasn't sure. Looking around, she saw no one but herself. She walked further reminding herself that it's just her illusion and no one is here except her.

This is the third time she is having this same nightmare in a row of three nights. She barely understands what it implies. The same event, beautiful paradise then a disastrous place. Closing her eyes, she prayed the more silently as she got closer to the chapel.

Entering it, she walked towards the altar, knelt before it putting her hands together in prayer.

"God the Father, your daughter is here again. I have come again to complain about this particular nightmare I have been having for the past two nights, today making it the third time.
I don't know what it means, whenever I have this dream, I always wake up exactly by midnight, I know it's a sign but I can't figure it out, show me your way Lord, let disaster not come to your children, protect us, o Lord, I ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen." She concluded by making the sign of the cross.

Suddenly, she felt someone passed beside her, a cold sensation went through her spine. Quickly, she looked around but saw no one.

"Who is there?" She asked but got no reply. The chapel was so quiet that she could hear her breathing.

Standing up, she walked out of the chapel. Humming softly, she decided to visit Mother Tekla and tell her about this nightmare that causes her sleepless nights.

Climbing the stairs as the dim lights gave her way. She got to her room, knocked softly on her door as she sighs deeply.
A few seconds later, the door opened revealing Mother Tekla who looked surprised to see her.

"Come in child," She said softly gesturing her in.

Maria walked in looking around. The statue of the Blessed Mary and Jesus stood at every corner. They walked towards her large sitting room as they sat together in union.

"What brings you here this late?" Mother Tekla asked gazing at her.

Wrapping her rosary around her fingers as she looked around. She turned her gaze back to Mother Tekla who motions her to speak.

"Mother, I have this nightmare that has been disturbing me for three nights straight" she let out looking at her worriedly.

Mother Tekla picked her rosary from a table beside her making the sign of the cross.
"What is the dream about Child?" She implored.

"Mother" Maria looked up at her sighing. " In the dream, I found myself in a beautiful garden filled with the magnificent beauty of the Lord. Beautiful birds and flowers of different kinds. The garden is so enchanting just like the garden of Eden in the Bible. I was so thrown over heels in love with it as I walked around admiring it. A beautiful bird flew past me resting on my shoulder, I took it in my hand admiring its beauty. Then suddenly, it turned into a raven along with other birds. The flowers died instantly turning to dust. The trees fell and disappeared into thin air. A cloud of thick dust began to run towards me. I ran looking for a way out but found none. Instantly, the ground split into two, I ran backward but saw the cloud of dust approaching fiery and liquid fire sprung out beside me. Out of fear, I screamed and woke up immediately" She looked up at Mother Tekla who listened to her attentively.

"This is the third night in a row I am having this nightmare Mother, and I don't know what it means" she concluded peering at Mother Tekla.

Breathing in deeply, Mother Tekla stood up, walked towards her cabinet as she picked up a small booklet. Sitting beside her, she handed it to Maria.

"I know God is trying to reveal something to you, tomorrow night, before you sleep, say this prayer and all will be well" She assured her touching her face.
"The peace of the Lord be with you".

" And with your spirit" Maria responded standing up. "Thank you Mother" she smiled.

"You are welcome" Mother Tekla responded watching her as she walked out of her room closing the door.

Getting into her room, Maria removed her veil and cloak, laid on her bed with her rosary wrapped around her fingers. Making the sign of the cross, she prayed silently, her eyes on her sleeping roommate, slowly she drifted off.

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