Part 4

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the situation here is like something that I don't even think about it. Like yesterday I am still a foot soldier that takes the order from the officers. Now I see how they planned it and how they discuss it for the better option and bad option. every option that was made in this room will change the course of the war.

after a few minutes, one of the generals starts asking why a lieutenant join the meeting. " well, as I said before. this lad will bring our empire to glory." then everyone starts speaking about me again. even some general look at me like they don't expect that from me. I just sit there silent and still confused with the situation here and don't know how must I react about it. 

" my liege if I can speak freely. why this lad will bring glory? this lad was a foot soldier before and I think he was not capable to achieve that my liege." one of the high-ranking officers said that while pointing his finger at me. well, I don't know what must I do. I just came because of the order tho. even if was true, what must I do to bring the glory? I am just a simple soldier with a simple life back home I think.

Then everyone starts to speak with each other again about my fate. the smoke of the cigarettes was very thick in this room like everyone is smoking. the smoker is not everyone just like a quarter of men that smoke here. even the emperor doesn't smoke. I look to Kolonel Kirk like need help and he was smiling at me like has a plan that will settle this conversation.

Well like before this like an hour ago my room was getting wrecked and now I have a meeting with high-ranking officers, general, and the emperor. Well, that was escalated quickly. even a commoner like me will doesn't get that experience very often. 

second, become minutes, minutes become hours. Everybody still gave an argument about me that will bring the glory or not. I am tired of it and sick of it. One of the generals even accuse me doesn't capable to become a soldier because not die with my regiment. It hurts my heart but what must I say. I'm just a lieutenant that doesn't know any shit about it and I still have the luck to be a living man now. I have my second chance and I don't want to waste it for stupid shit.

Kolonel Scherler defend me that saying I was sent by the god that protects the empire to bring glory to us. The general doesn't want that answer than angry to Kolonel Scherler and throws his cigarette at Kolonel Scherler. Kolonel Scherler doesn't accept the action that the general takes and stands up while his finger is pointed. The general then follows to stand up and stares at Kolonel Scherler with his arm punch the table. 

The emperor just watched with a smile on his face. Like he watching that very interesting and a rare sight in his eyes. one of the generals then stands up to defend his friend and throws a heavy insult to Kolonel Scherler. One of the high-ranking officers then whispered that this meeting was like a kindergarten. General Steve then laughs with the emperor follows him to laugh. they laugh together like never laugh before.

Then the room was silent even I can hear the sound of the clock that still count the time. The emperor then stands up and starts explaining his plan. everyone that stands up quickly sits down again to respect the emperor. General Steve then looks at me with a big smile and calmly takes a sip of his tea.

"My gentleman. please can I the emperor of this empire give you all explain why this youngster will give us the glory." everybody nods to say yes and the emperor starts explaining his plan. "I will make a special unit that specialty is infiltrating the enemy lines, towns, take a dangerous mission, even kill an enemy important person." everyone is confused and start to look to the emperor with a curious face even me curious about it. "this was suggested by General Steve right here. and this youngster will be the leader of this unit. This is still experimental and if this unit gave us a huge success. This unit will expand and maybe will support the war from the shadows. And if this failed our country doesn't have the responsibility to acknowledge this unit but if successful it benefits us." what? I will lead a unit that my nation doesn't have responsibility if failed but if success only a few people will know it. It was a fucking suicide unit 

"My liege with due all my respect and honor to you. Who will fill this unit other than this man?" asked the general next to me. General Steve then explained that this unit will fill with veteran soldier and soldier that doesn't have anything to lose again even the deserter will fill this unit.

because this was still experimental. This unit still a platoon unit and I'm was the commanding officer of this unit and the unit will be on the direct command line under the army headquarters. this unit will start training and recruiting next week.

now the situation becomes calm and starts discussing which front this unit took part first in war. after an hour discussing it. everyone agrees to give front that General Steve command. Because this unit was a suggestion from General Steve.

After the discussion is ended. The Emperor Ask me to leave the room and ask me to wait for him until the meeting is finished. I nod then salute the emperor and everybody in the room while standing up. After that, I exit the room and wait like three hours outside the room.

 after three hours of waiting outside, one by one people come outside. When Kolonel Scherler come out he was smiling at me and punched my shoulder. "You can through it. Remember I'm your mentor. Don't be shy to ask me okay." I just said thank you as my gratitude towards him. After a few seconds, General Steve come out and tell me to go back inside because the emperor calling me. My heart then starts racing fast. I don't know what will become and it's just me and the emperor talking privately.

After I enter the room. The Emperor then look at me deeply. the vibe in the room was very heavy even It can describe if a mouse was here. The mouse will die instantly. The emperor starts speaking slowly. 

" My son, I just want to ask forgiveness from you." What forgiveness? for what? " with all my respect my liege. What have you done to me that make you asking forgiveness my liege." My hands start trembling and don't hear my command to keep calm. "my son I have the biggest sin that will make me regret if I don't ask you know. first please forgive me to ask you to lead a suicidal unit." what? "my liege it was an honor that you entrust me with this job" then the emperor starts speaking again "And please forgive me to question you. are you in love with my daughter?" I was shocked by the question. I know the Majesty Princess was very beautiful and maybe my first love after this time. "with all respect my liege who dares doesn't love the Majesty Princess." He smiles at me with a happy face on it. " well son. I know that you're asking my daughter's name but got rejected because can't dance." It's hit me hard and wound my feeling.

" Son if you love my daughter. Can I entrust my daughter's future in your hands. because of you son." The emperor spoke while walking to close our distance. "Has a history with my daughter even you don't know that." Wait, what? I a common commoner has a history with majesty princess? "Son if I tell you. My death is close and I don't know who will protect my lovely daughter if passed. You know there was a power struggling between the military and the politician. the military wants my first son to become the emperor after me and the politician wants my second son." What? if this happens it will make a civil war between the faction. "what must I do my liege?" The emperor then grabs my shoulder. " I just want you to protect my daughter at all cost. No matter what it happens. you must protect her for this old man's sake. can you do that? can I entrust you to protect my daughter at all cost?" I kneel immediately. " I'm Hanz Carolus. I swear that will take responsibility to protect her majesty princess at all cost and make her happy with the cost of my life." The emperor just smiles and asks me to raise and pour a drink for me.

" My son. I entrust you with my daughter's safety and happiness. Well if you want to know how my daughter knows you it will be a long story. Maybe next time if I still can breathe and see you raise your rank so you can protect my daughter. You must still have a lot to learn. Please learn well from your mentor Kolonel Scherler." Then after the conversation, the emperor takes a sip from his glass. " My liege you can entrust me and I hope you have a long life to see the happiness from your daughter." He just smiles and we start a conversation about the war and what fronts that must I face. Until I heard someone shooting outside

to be continued...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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