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I dont know how long I have been in this hell. one year, two years? I don't know anymore. that I know was charge the enemy, nothing else than that. I don't know when does death comes to me. Maybe my life doesn't have a price in it. just for miles. every man that I know and met, died because of it. even my rank was corporal it was nothing. I'm just a foot soldier. every bullet that doesn't get me just my luck that waste for something doesn't useful. I want to go home. I want to see my family. I miss my home. but the order is order. I must in this hell for the empire. even I don't know again what year right now. I'm just wasting my life. maybe next charge I will meet the bullet that will through my chest and kill me and maybe my death will affect the war.

maybe before I got killed. I still can send my family a letter. who knows that my letter will come or not. at least I write it.  so I take my pen and piece of paper that I found in my pocket. this was my last letter to my family. I hope they always have god with them. I start writing under artillery fire. well, I must quick before the next charge.

"to my family. don't miss me. your son will die soon. don't pray for me again. just pray that this war is over and no more death on this field. too many that I see here. please don't cry because of me. all foot soldier fate is to die on the battlefield or die alone. and I don't want to die alone. I want my death to have meaning. goodbye pa, goodbye ma, good by my Lil bro."

"Everybody prepares the charge" my time has come I must give this letter to the lieutenant before I go. "Charrggeee!!!!" well goodbye my family. 

I jump from my trench and run forward towards the enemy. the enemy starts firing and more bullets that passing me. one by one corpse was made on the battlefield. every emotion was here. one bullet goes through a soldier next to me. I still have my luck. 

after a few minutes. why I can't breathe now. hahaha, my stomach got hit. It's pain but I still must run. now I see a gray color. all my vision go to gray. I must take a cover in that hole. I must take a rest and see my condition.

I got hit in my stomach. I think I got two bullets in me. my lucky charm is gone now. wait did I hear artillery shelling. well goodbye pa, ma, Lil bro. 

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