Part 2

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when the doors are open. I saw many gentlemen with high ranks. from a general, politician, aristocrats, businessman, even some musician, and others important person this room. one of the men next to the emperor calls my name and the trumpet was start make a sound. one of the soldiers that's open the throne room door said to me to walk to the emperor. all men in this room stand and look at me while I walking down to the emperor. flag of my regiment and flag of the empire were rise. some of the general salute me. I saw the old lion standing next to one of the general and smile while salutes me. I walk slowly and like the soldiers told me don't salute the men but salute the emperor when I close enough. 

when I close enough to the emperor I salute him and said my name and rank. then the emperor stands up from the throne and starts to speak. " gentlemen we are gathering here to respect and honor this brave soldier. he was the only survivor of his regiment. for that, we need to honor the regiment and this brave man. me as the emperor of the Altdorf Empire to honor this brave soldier I give him the highest honor medal. the Altdorf eagle cross medal." the emperor's sound was so firm and gentle. everyone in the room was a nod to say yes. I bend down then the emperor comes to me. my regiment flag was lowered by one of the soldiers that holding the flag. "my son please raise your head. your the hero of this nation. me personally and this empire were sorry for your loss. we will do anything to avenge this." the emperor spoke to me slowly. when I raised my head. the emperor's face was very close. I can see the battle scars on his face and an eye bag from his eyes. "thank you my majesty." my answer makes him smile and put his hand on my shoulders. he put my medal on my neck and said to free my evening because he wants to talk to me after dinner.

"for this brave man action and replace the 75th regiment that got annihilated by the enemy. I will make a special unit that's job was specialty on attack the enemy trench and infiltrate the enemy. for the empire!!!" everyone screams, I just follow the others. after that the emperor back to the throne and I still stand up. I saw a beautiful lady next to him. it's like 21-22 years old. she was staring at me with a smile on his face. I think like I just found an angel

After I got my medal, I join Lieutenants colonel Sword. after the ceremony, the emperor then starts a party in another room next to the throne room.  music starts playing, many men and ladies start dancing. everyone starts to make conversation. the emperor starts to welcoming everyone. I just follow what the old lion does. first, he introduces me to some important people like the general that responsible for my regiment, other high-rank officers, even some Aristocats. then I met captain Steve's parents. 

His father was a duke and has a military rank of a general of an army group. he was asking for his son's life before he died on the battlefield. I just said I never met him because we are not in the same platoon even battalion. then I said sorry for his loss and he was staring at me and put his hand on his commando stick then said all soldier fate is to die on the battlefield and he still proud of his son even he can't see him again. but the mother is very different she was crying and doesn't believe that her son just died on the battlefield. then she hugs her husband and crying more. I can't say anything, just staring at the floor because of it. like it was all my fault in the beginning. then the emperor came and talk to the lady and gives her a medal for his son's death. then I and the lieutenant colonel go away because we dont want to ruin the situation.

one of the high-rank officers spoke to me and asking that maybe I can marry his daughter and join his unit. I just said that still can't do that because I was from a family that operates inns in my village. then he laughs then changes the topic but still wants to offer me to marry his daughter or join his unit. well, I still don't have planned to marry or finding love, maybe. I just want to back to my home and continue my family businesses. so he laughs again and we start a conversation about inns and my family.

I tell him that I was the first child. I have a little brother that age is five years younger than me. my father was a retired soldier but never go to war. he was a simple foot soldier that guards a castle back in my village and after he retired. he continued the family businesses from my grandparents. on my mother's side was a servant for the castle and marry my father after meeting him in the castle. they date for two years. then marry after my dad was retired. my uncle was a soldier that I knew has died on the battlefield but I meet him and he was my guide in the capital. the officer just laughs again and starts speaking maybe I survive because I have a warrior hearts in my body. 

after the conversation end, I just walk around to find that lady. I think she was the daughter of the emperor. it was my thought or maybe she was the emperor's close family I dont know. maybe I can talk to her in just a few minutes. when I just walking around a few ladies call me to ask me to have a conversation with them. because I cannot refuse that, I join the ladies to have a conversation. until I saw the lady that I'm looking for. he was just staring at me and start to smile and bow. I answer her bow then come to her. " my lady can you honor me with your name. my name is Carolus my lady. Hanz Carolus is my full name my lady" she was just smiling and speak to my ear slowly. " If you want to know my name how about we have a dance, after that, I can know. that you have the honor to know my name or not." well, it's my time to found love for me i think. but really, I dont know how to dance before. you know I just a simple corporal inside my soul and an inns owner son that only knows to run inns and charge the enemy.

"my lady I dont know how to dance. I'm sorry." after I said that. the higher officer that offers me her daughter joins the conversation and said. " well young boy you need to learn that. and my your highness I'm very sorry for this rude kid that doesnt know to behave as a proper gentleman. I will teach him a proper manner and dance for you my majesty princess." I shock that my thought was correct. she was the emperor's daughter then I immediately bow to her. she was just smiling and laugh at me. " well I give you the responsibility to teach this man to be a gentleman sir. It was an honor to meet you, Mr. Carolus. maybe until we meet again I hope you can dance with me." then the lady goes away, vanish into the crowd. 

"Well, son you refused me that a Kolonel and a count but want the daughter of the emperor it was a very brave move I honor you for that. I think I have job to do to make you a proper man." I just stare at him like don't know anything. "well sir you know me. I'm not from a rich or aristocratic family." then he laughs. "well now I'm your mentor. call me colonel Scherler or Mentor from now. because we have many jobs to do. maybe you can sleep in my house this night." I was shocked about the offering. I sleep in counts house. it must be a dream. " with all my respect sir. I cannot take that offer it to big for me Kolonel. I still have a room in the Guardhouse and maybe tomorrow I need to found inns to sleep in before I go back to the battlefield or my home, sir." he just stares at me and like wants to speak something. " if you decide that. I cannot make an excuse for you but still in the reality son. Won't you dance with her or not? now, I am was your mentor. until you go back to the battlefield you must go to my house to learn how to be a gentleman than you can dance with her. for fuck sake son. not many aristocrats do the same things. I do this because my great grandfather is a foot soldier too. He gained his rank until was passed to me. so you and I have the same history. did you understand?" I just nod and silent. 

then lieutenant colonel Sword came because heard that his friend is angry. "calm down Scherler. dont be mad at this kid. you know me when I got promoted to a lieutenant right. I just like a dumb man at the party and you were my only friend back there" I just silent and scared to speak. " well son, Scherler just wants the best for you. I know it's so all of the sudden  and scherler has a scary face. and its was your fault to begin with. who the fuck man dares asked daugther of the emperor to know each other? but this man right here is the best mentor that you will get. trust this old lion." the Kolonel then laughs and starts to tell the when he and the lieutenant colonel met and become best friends. after a long conversation with the three of us. I promised the colonel after I left the guardhouse I will go to his house before I find the inns. just to have a chat and drink with him. then the party was ended when the emperor back to his room. all guests and I bow or salute the emperor before he was left the room.

after the party, I go back to my room to changes my uniform and prepares to meet the emperor in the evening. while I walking to go back to my room I asked some soldiers where is sergeant Carolus is. none of them knew where he was. so I thinking where he is. 

to be continued...

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