Bonus Chapter 1: Bad and Skeppy

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Bad placed his hand gently over the necklace that clung to his neck, deeply inhaling the smoky air. Hell wasn't a great place to be spending most of his time. But it was the only place he could get away, the only place he could think of to wallow in his pain and misery.

Grief was such a crushing feeling. It filled Bad's bones, making every step feel soggy and heavy. Crying became routine, and once the tears stopped falling Bad felt even worse. His body physically couldn't move like it used to. Getting up felt like lifting mountains.

The only thing that gave him some relief was his little dog and the diamond necklace he carried with him everywhere. His last remembrance of his... well, the last thing he had from his best friend.

"I can't believe he did this," Bad spoke aloud to himself. He'd grown used to talking about his feelings to no one in particular, and just blabbing to the open, putrid smelling air. "I told him not too. I told him to stay put, and not cause any trouble. I told him it was a stupid idea..."


Bad's favorite place was on top of the world.

It was the little grassy hill he visited often with Skeppy, where you could see everything. The mountain was soaked in a thick perfume that drifted from the nearby colorful meadow of flowers Bad simply adored. On many summer nights, Bad would sit and watch as the sun set overhead in a mirage of pink, purples, and oranges. It was gorgeous.

Bad leaned back on the soft grass, enjoying watching the clouds go by. Him and Skeppy had planned on spending the day outdoors in their favorite spot, enjoying a delightful spread of sandwiches and jams. A small breeze picked up on the warm day, filling Bad with a feeling that warmed him down to his bones. It was the kind of contentedness that needed no words. Where you could just sit in the quietness and be happy.

Skeppy laughed from next to him. "Why do you have that look on your face, Bad?"

"What do you mean?" Bad asked, tilting his head up at the brunette. The gentle breeze blew Skeppy's hair back and forth, his eyes dancing with mischief.

Skeppy tilted his head to the side. "I don't know, just like really happy or something."

"I am really happy Skeppy. I'm with you."

Silence fell between the two.

"Bad... I've been thinking..."

Bad instantly heard the tone of Skeppy's voice, and began to tense up. Skeppy was impulsive, and generally when he got an impulse to do something, it never turned out well.

"About what?" Bad asked, frowning.

"I've enlisted in the military Bad. I'm going away."

"What!" Bad exclaimed, standing up quickly and glaring down at the man. "You can't do that!? Why would you do that Skeppy? You're lying to me, you're lying-"

Skeppy sighed. "I'm not happy here Bad. I need something new. I know you love this slow pace of life, but it doesn't suit me. I'm not sure it will ever suit me honestly."

"But what about all our adventures? All our little expeditions to nearby towns, huh?  A lot of those were pretty dangerous. Pretty exciting. Isn't that enough for you? Am I not enough for you?"

Skeppy frowned. "Bad, it was never a question of whether or not you were enough for me. You know I love you. As a friend... But I need a change of pace every once in a while. I'm sure it won't be for long. You know me, I'm always on to something different."

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