Chapter 12: A War

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(Niki's POV)

Sneaking out of the castle nowadays was a fairly simple task. As long as I kept my head down and footsteps light, most people wouldn't question where I was off too. Or who I was meeting with...

I remembered the first time I had escaped the clutches of the castle. When I'd snuck out in the dead of night wrapped in warm scarves and cloaks. It had been much scarier then, when I'd rode my horse Calico through the forest. But it was also the first time in my life I'd felt truly free. 

It was the first time I'd met the people of L'manberg.

Following this event, it had become easy to fly under the radar. No one cared about a medic like me, and so it was easy to divulge information. Sometimes I felt like a scavenger, talking to Puffy and soaking up every droplet I could get. Where are we hiding our weapons, where are the discs, what is the plan of attack, when are we going to attack...

Unfortunately, the plans were very complicated and changed almost daily. Today I had another report to give. When I finally made my way out into the gardens, I deeply breathed in the fresh air. It was so peaceful out here with the flowers. I couldn't wait until I was free and could spend all my time with the flowers. When I could burn my medical coat and finally be free.

But I must bide my time.

After waiting a few moments, a man dressed in all black slipped out of the shadows. I smiled at the familiar face, as he pulled his hood from his head. The man smiled as he neared closer to me, easily stepping around the flower bushes.

"Hello Niki," he said lightly. "I imagine you've been doing alright I hope?"

"Of course Jack," I responded, crossing my arms to help keep out the cold. "Things have been okay here, especially with the knowledge that every day we are getting closer to ending all of this. To me finally being free."

"And leaving all of this behind," Jack reminded, swooping his hand towards the castle. I smiled. Large, looming manors and castles had never truly held my interest. I was much more attached to the idea of living in a small town. Continuing to work on my flower shop.

"How is my shop coming along Jack?" I questioned. "I hope everything's going alright."

"Of course," Jack responded easily. "I hear Wilbur has been caring for the shop for you in your absence. We are all extremely grateful for your bravery and insight. It has been invaluable to, well, our cause."

I smiled. "Anything to help end the prince's rule, Jack. Anything. Anyways, I wanted to meet because I have extremely important news. Puffy and the warriors were able to recover most of the dynamite you were using in the battle. They're rigging it to blow up the L'manberg walls."

"What?" Jack gasped. "The walls Dream himself put up, they are now tearing down?"

"Well, tearing them down and attempting to destroy L'manberg with it," I muttered. "But it won't matter now that we know. You can dismantle it and stop it from exploding, can't you?"

We both fell into silence. Jack looked down at the ground for a moment, rubbing his foot into the dirt.

" I'm sure we can, but Niki, I'm going to ask you something. You have to promise not to tell anyone."

"What is it Jack?"

Jack frowned. "Niki, I love L'manberg. I love the people there and the town and everything. But, with this war going on, I don't know if it's the place for me anymore."

"Jack, what are you saying?"

"I bought a little plot of land right on the edge of Lmanberg. Right outside the walls. I'm hoping to name it Manifoldland. It will be the smallest country there ever was, I'm not planning on expanding it. It's just... if L'manberg can't make a safe place for us, and the Land of Dreams isn't safe then perhaps we should live alone. In a place of our own making. What do you say Niki? Will you join me?"

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